###Installation of NMS Bundles
Steps to upgrade both bundles and configurations, These steps needs to be followed in NMS HEALTH monitor server
- Copy the NMS bundles don't copy testing.jar on health monitoring server at
cp *.jar /opt/repo/NMS
- Execute following in /opt/nms_deployement
cd /opt/nms_deployement
ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts --ask-vault-pass --tags motechdeploy--ask-sudo-pass
###NMS configuration changes only
Steps to upgrade only configurations
ansible-playbook site.yml -i hosts --ask-vault-pass --tags webconfig --ask-sudo-pass
###User Management
User management in MOTECH-NMS servers can be done by following below steps
- Update User name and attributes
ansible-vault edit group_vars/all
- Execute ansible command at /opt/nms_deployement
ansible-playbook usermange.yml -i hosts --ask-vault-pass --ask-su-pass
- After Execute SSH private keys will be available in health monitor at /tmp/ directory for particular host and user
For collectd to gather database statistics the following user needs to be created:
CREATE USER 'collectd'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ collectd_database_password }}';
-- Give appropriate permissions
-- ("GRANT USAGE" is synonymous to "no privileges")
GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'collectd'@'localhost';
-- ("GRANT PROCESS" allows access to show processlist)
GRANT PROCESS ON *.* TO 'collectd'@'localhost';
-- Permissions for the MasterStats and SlaveStats options
GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO 'collectd'@'localhost';
collectd_database_password is in group_vars/all
To install collectd on all servers, connect them and install facette on the health monitor run
ansible-playbook collectd.yml -i hosts --ask-pass --ask-vault-pass --tags collectd
###DB Backup Script Deployement
Steps to deploy on Motech Slave server
ansible-playbook -vvv site.yml -i hosts --ask-vault-pass --tags dbbackupscript --ask-sudo-pass
Steps to deploy on Report Slave server
ansible-playbook -vvv site.yml -i hosts --ask-vault-pass --tags dbbackupscript_report --ask-sudo-pass
###LDAP Plugin to manage STATE and Districts records in LDAP DB.
Steps to compile and execute JAR file
mvn clean install
Modify config.properties files and place at the same level where JAR file will be executed, Provide LDAP and DB credentials in this file Sample file is available at Resources file