In this project we will setup a CI/CD pipeline to build the Spring PetClinic Sample Application and deploy it to a Kubernetes cluster. You can also use it as template to build and deploy other applications.
- Docker and Docker Compose
- Kubernetes Cluster
- Helm
- Spring PetClinic Sample Application
- GitLab
- FluxCD
- Cert-manager
: Folder contains the Spring PetClinic Sample Application project.Dockerfile
: Dockerfile with instructions on how to build the application image.compose.yml
: Docker compose file used to build application image and run the container.kustomize/deployment.yml
: kubernetes deployment manifestkustomize/service.yml
: kubernetes service manifestkustomize/ingress.yml
: kubernetes ingress manifestkustomize/kustomization.yml
: kubernetes kustomization manifest used by flux
: Folder contains GitLab configuration.values.yml
: Values file for GitLab Helm Chart installtion.issuer.yml
: Creates an issuer used to issue GitLab self-signed certificates.
: Folder contains Flux source and kustomization configuration.flux/clusters/nebula-west/spring-petclinic-kustomization.yml
: kustomization for PetClinic kubernetes deployment.flux/clusters/nebula-west/spring-petclinic-source.yml
: Defines Git repository source for the PetClinic application.
git clone
cd spring-petclinic
touch Dockerfile
touch compose.yml
docker compose -f compose.yml up -d --build
You can then access the Petclinic at http://localhost:8080/.
cd ..
kubectl apply -f
kubectl create namespace gitlab
kubectl --namespace gitlab apply -f gitlab/issuer.yml
Create a secret containing the issuer Certificate Authority. This secret is required by the gitlab-runners to verify the certificate of GitLab.
# Save the certificate to gitlab/gitlab-ca.crt
kubectl --namespace gitlab get secret nebula-west-tls -ojsonpath='{\.crt}' | base64 --decode > gitlab/gitlab-ca.crt
# Create a secret from the gitlab/gitlab-ca.crt
kubectl --namespace gitlab create secret generic gitlab-nebula-west-k8s-lab-tls --from-file=gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab.crt=gitlab/gitlab-ca.crt
helm repo add gitlab
helm install gitlab gitlab/gitlab --namespace gitlab -f gitlab/values.yml
kubectl --namespace gitlab get pods
# Get initial root password
kubectl get secret gitlab-gitlab-initial-root-password -ojsonpath='{.data.password}' | base64 --decode ; echo
- Login to gitlab at gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab with admin/[initial-root-password]
- Create a user
- Login with new user
- Create a new empty-project named spring-petclinic
- Set new origin for the spring-petclinic project and push it to GitLab
cd spring-petclinic
git remote set-url origin https://gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab/YOUR_USER_NAME/spring-petclinic.git
# Verify
git remote -v
# Push repo
git push origin main
cd spring-petclinic
touch .gitlab-ci
Define the stages of the CI/CD pipeline in the file.
If any non-inbuilt variables, like GITLAB_TOKEN are used in the file make sure to set the values for these variables in GitLab under Settings > CI/CD > Variables.
# Commit changes
git add . && git commit -m "add .gitlab-ci"
# Push repo
git push origin main
- Login to gitlab and check the running job.
- Check that the continaer image has been pushed to the registry after successfull job completion
touch kustomize/deployment.yml
touch kustomize/service.yml
touch kustomize/ingress.yml
touch kustomize/kustomization.yml
# Commit changes
git add . && git commit -m "add kustomize manifests"
# Push repo
git push origin main
- Login to GitLab and create an access token.
- Export GITLAB_TOKEN and GITLAB_USER environment variables
- Install FluxCD
# Install Flux CLI
brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
# Run pre check
flux check --pre
# Install FluxCD
flux bootstrap gitlab \
--hostname=gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab \
--owner=$GITLAB_USER \
--repository=flux \
--branch=main \
--path=./clusters/nebula-west \
--personal --ca-file=../gitlab/gitlab-ca.crt
# Clone the newly create *flux* repo
git clone https://gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab/YOU_GITLAB_USERNAME/flux.git
cd flux
# Create credentials secret for Git Repo
kubectl -n flux-system create secret generic gitlab-credentials --from-file=ca.crt=../gitlab/gitlab-ca.crt --from-literal=username=$GITLAB_USER --from-literal=password=$GITLAB_TOKEN
# Create flux sourece manifest
flux create source git spring-petclinic \
--url=https://gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab/YOU_GITLAB_USERNAME/spring-petclinic.git \
--branch=main \
--interval=1m \
--secret-ref=gitlab-credentials \
--export > ./clusters/nebula-west/spring-petclinic-source.yml
# Commit changes
git add -A && git commit -m "Add spring-petclinic GitRepository"
# Push to flux repo
git push
# Clone the newly create *flux* repo
git clone https://gitlab.nebula-west.k8s.lab/YOU_GITLAB_USERNAME/flux.git
cd flux
# Create flux sourece manifest
flux create kustomization spring-petclinic \
--target-namespace=petclinic \
--source=spring-petclinic \
--path="./kustomize" --prune=true \
--wait=true --interval=30m \
--retry-interval=2m \
--health-check-timeout=3m \
--export > ./clusters/nebula-west/spring-petclinic-kustomization.yml
# Commit changes
git add -A && git commit -m "Add spring-petclinic Kustomization"
# Push to flux repo
git push
kubectl create namespace petclinic
flux get kustomizations --watch
# Verify and Troubleshoot
kubectl --namespace flux-system get Kustomization
kubectl --namespace flux-system get GitRepository
kubectl --namespace petclinic get all
Changes made to the spring-petclinic Kubernetes manifests in the main branch are reflected in your cluster.