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development backlog

scanner-darkly edited this page May 19, 2019 · 1 revision


| name | release | reported | github issue | effort estimate | dev(s) | prototype(s) / beta | PR(s) | description / notes | | ----------------------------- | ------ | ---- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | scenes with # in desc load incorrectly | | Sep 2017 | #104 | | | | | needs usb disk rework | | some keyboards drop keystrokes | | Jul 2018 | #156 | | @scanner_darkly | 2019/03/27 | | scenes get mysteriously wiped | | Nov 2018 | | | @scanner_darkly, @tehn | 2019/03/27 | 1, 2 | cause still unknown, safeguards added | | mode switching timing issues | | Nov 2018 | | | @scanner_darkly | 2019/03/27 | | negative pattern values load from disk incorrectly | | Dec 2018 | #172 | | | | | may need usb disk rework | | INIT.SCENE doesn't update metro rate | | Jan 2019 | #174 | | @scanner_darkly | 2019/03/27 | 1 |

Hardware features

| name | release | proposed | dev(s) | prototype(s) | description / notes | | ----------------------------- | ----------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | --------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | keyboard UART expander | | Aug 2018 | | | to use e.g. keyboard + grid with TT

Remote control features

name release proposed github issue approved effort estimate dev(s) prototype(s) / beta PR(s) description / notes
kria: cue pattern Oct 2018 #35 @csboling 2019/05/04 KR.CUE
ansible as grid extender Oct 2018 may require i2c rework
levels: clocking Oct 2018
Just Friends: additional addresses Feb 2019
ansible: emulate grid/arc events Apr 2019 @csboling 2019/05/04 ANS.G, ANS.G.P, ANS.G.LED, ANS.A, ANS.A.LED
kria: get/set active page Apr 2019 @csboling 2019/05/04 KR.PG
ansible: get/set active app Apr 2019 @csboling 2019/05/04 ANS.APP
ansible/trilogy: emulate panel button events Apr 2019
faderbank: scale / quantization Apr 2019 FADER.MAP x y z, FADER.SCALE, FADER.QT, FADER.N
kria: step modes May 2019 @csboling

Teletype features

name release proposed github issue approved effort estimate dev(s) prototype(s) / beta PR(s) description / notes
tracker alternate data views Mar 2016 #7 yes
timeline Mar 2016 #8 yes may need usb disk rework
autotrig Mar 2016 #9 yes
second pattern bank Mar 2016 #17 may need usb disk rework
increase DAC slew resolution Apr 2016 #26 yes
usb disk rewrite + UI Sep 2017 #81 UI work here
longer init script Feb 2018 may need usb disk rework
shadow scripts Apr 2018
get/set displayed screen Mar 2018 yes may be problematic
create multiple delays Jun 2018 @alphacactus 2019/03/27 1, 2 DEL.X, DEL.R
execute / goto script line Sep 2018
bit shift with rotation Sep 2018 LROT, RROT
number representation ops Sep 2018 BIN, HEX, OCTL, ER.V
number base selection Sep 2018 @simondemeule BASE b n, DEVICE.BASE, P.BASE, PN.BASE
flip screen and I/O numbering Sep 2018 #162 yes @scanner_darkly 2019/03/27 teletype DEVICE.FLIP
additional turtle scripts Oct 2018
probabilistic conditional Oct 2018
script-local persistent variables Oct 2018 @alphacactus 2019/03/27 1, 2 J, K
slew easing curves Oct 2018 libfixmath has sin/parabola, maybe also exp/log?
comment before insert Oct 2018 @scanner_darkly
get/set random seed Dec 2018 @alphacactus 2019/03/27 1 SEED, RAND.SEED / RAND.SD / R.SD, TOSS.SEED / TOSS.SD, PROB.SEED / PROB.SD, DRUNK.SEED / DRUNK.SD , P.SEED / P.SD
load scene without resetting grid Jan 2019 @scanner_darkly 2019/03/27 SCENE.G
change pattern step direction Jan 2019 P.DIR, PN.DIR
restore patterns without reloading scene Feb 2019
grid ops: define spacing May 2019
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