Octave script to pull PDFs from google scholar
- pull pdfs from google scholar
- ability to select the number of pages to pull PDFs from (this acts as the proxy for the number of articles)
- ability to set publication start and end dates
- (optional) filter out citations and patents if wanted (unsure of what effect this has on the product of the script)
- Proper Filenames
ScholarScrape uses Octave 4.4.1 as its base however it should be executable in any recent versions of Octave, if you run into problems, submit and Issue.
Run the
- Citation Scraping
- Data Parsing
- Feedback/progress Bar
- Pull "all" entries option
- Automatic Directory Creation
- Ability to run script in GUI mode vs CLI mode
- Separate script and scraping
- Script will have input definitions, function will actually pull the files