The exporter currently collects from the dSS the power consumption and status of individual devices.
# HELP dss_appartment_consumption Current total power consumption [W]
# TYPE dss_appartment_consumption gauge
dss_appartment_consumption 11.0
# HELP dss_circuit_consumption Current power consumption [W]
# TYPE dss_circuit_consumption gauge
dss_circuit_consumption{circuit="circuit livingroom",hwName="dSM12"} 7.0
# HELP dss_circuit_metervalue Current measurent of the power consumption [Ws]
# TYPE dss_circuit_metervalue gauge
dss_circuit_metervalue{circuit="circuit livingroom",hwName="dSM12"} 1.5145362e+07
# HELP dss_device_is_present Current state of device
# TYPE dss_device_is_present gauge
dss_device_is_present{device="livingroom_ceiling_lamp ",hwName="dSM12"} 1.0
To enable a new application you have to create a token in your DSS. Change the password for dssadmin_pasword
in the following command and run them.
At the end you will get the application token to use for thhis exporter
applicationToken=$(curl -sk https://dss.local:8080/json/system/requestApplicationToken?applicationName=prometheus_exporter | jq .result.applicationToken)
logintoken=$(curl -sk https://dss.local:8080/json/system/login?user=dssadmin\&password=${dssadmin_password} | jq .result.token)
curl -sk \
--header "Cookie: token=${logintoken}" \
https://dss.local:8080/json/system/enableToken?applicationToken=${applicationToken} | jq .
echo ${applicationToken}
Run the container and adjust DSS_HOST
with the given values.
docker run -d \
--restart always \
-p 9184:9184 \
-e DSS_HOST=https://dss.local \
-e DSS_LOGINTOKEN=4fa07386c77d7f32260066c83b58aece5814698376bd03f0e3b5764e58f0ec1a \
#Changelog v1.0.3