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I undertook a project focused on analyzing Walmart Sales data using MySQL. The project aimed to gain insights into the top-performing branches and products, observe sales trends across various product categories, and understand customer behavior. The primary objective was to explore opportunities for enhancing and optimizing sales strategies within the retail environment. The dataset was obtained from the Walmart Recruiting - Store Sales Forecasting

About Data

This dataset contains sales transactions from a three different branches of Walmart, respectively located in Mandalay, Yangon and Naypyitaw. The data contains 17 columns and 1000 rows

Column Name Data Type Null Primary Key
invoice_id VARCHAR(30) No Yes
branch VARCHAR(5) No No
city VARCHAR(30) No No
customer_type VARCHAR(30) No No
gender VARCHAR(10) No No
product_line VARCHAR(100) No No
unit_price DECIMAL(10, 2) No No
quantity INT No No
VAT FLOAT(6, 4) No No
total DECIMAL(10, 2) No No
date DATE No No
time TIME No No
payment_method VARCHAR(15) No No
cogs DECIMAL(10, 2) No No
gross_margin_percentage FLOAT(11, 9) No No
gross_income DECIMAL(12, 4) No No
rating FLOAT(2, 1) No No

Business Questions To Answer

Generic Questions:
  1. How many unique cities does the data have? ✅
  2. In which city is each branch? ✅
Product Questions:
  1. How many unique product lines does the data have? ✅
  2. What is the most common payment method? ✅
  3. What is the most selling product line? ✅
  4. What is the total revenue by month? ✅
  5. What month had the largest COGS? ✅
  6. What product line had the largest revenue? ✅
  7. What is the city with the largest revenue? ✅
  8. What product line had the largest VAT? ✅
  9. For each product line, add a column showing "Good" or "Bad" based on whether its sales are greater than average. ✅
  10. Which branch sold more products than the average number of products sold? ✅
  11. What is the most common product line by gender? ✅
  12. What is the average rating of each product line? ✅
Sales Questions:
  1. Number of sales made in each time of the day per weekday. ✅
  2. Which customer type brings the most revenue? ✅
  3. Which city has the largest tax percent/VAT (Value Added Tax)? ✅
  4. Which customer type pays the most in VAT? ✅
Customer Questions:
  1. How many unique customer types does the data have? ✅
  2. How many unique payment methods does the data have? ✅
  3. What is the most common customer type? ✅
  4. Which customer type buys the most? ✅
  5. What is the gender of most customers? ✅
  6. What is the gender distribution per branch? ✅
  7. During which time of the day do customers give the most ratings? ✅
  8. During which time of the day do customers give the most ratings per branch? ✅
  9. Which day of the week has the best average ratings? ✅
  10. Which day of the week has the best average ratings per branch? ✅

Data Visualization




Walmart Sales Data Analysis






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