- Assuming that test data would be in JSON
- There are two files for test Data -test_data/inputs.json: It contains the records of the students -test_data/update.json: It contains the records which user wants to update
- Python is installed in the system
- Dictionary data structure is used for maintaing cache.
- On intialization, data from the inputs.json file is loaded into 'data' variable
- Every object from data will be mapped to each 'Student' object
- Class Mycache has the logic for implementing cache which includes LRU Algorithm & CRUD operations in cache.
- Mycache have the dictonary called 'cache' which will store student_id as key and value as object of 'Student' & 'Date_accessed'
- Every time user Display, Update, Add a new element to cache the 'Date_accessed will be updated'
- On exit which ever element is dirty will be updated to file.
- Enter student data in input.json file, the format should be:
id:<Student ID>,
- Run the que1.py file by writing following statement in cmd for windows or terminal in linux.
python que1.py
- Enter the data in update.json for updation.