Without Any Library, Just Gui tkinter
The library reference documents every publicly accessible object in the library.
See Enigma class in enigma_machine.py
enigma_class = Enigma(
rotors = ("I","II","III")
reflector = "UKW-B"
ringSettings = "ABC"
ringPositions = "DEF"
plugboard = "AT BS DE FM IR KN LZ OW PV XY"
result = enigma_class.encode("code || text")
Run with Gui python enigma_run_with_gui.py
The easiest way to install this is using pip install tk
To use all of the functionality of the library, you should have:
- Python 3.3+ (required)
- Tkinter 3.10+ (required)
Keep In Touch with Mohammad Hasan Anisi Email - github - Telegram - Linkedin.
Please report bugs and suggestions at the Telegram !