Releases: modelon-community/PyFMI
What's Changed
- Updating GH workflow to Assimulo 3.6 by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #278
- Fixing issue when mixing get_variables_data & get_variable_data calls by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #279
- Increased robustness of getting supports attribute from ResultHandlers by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #280
- Fixed Exception when using dynamic_diagnostics and scalar atol by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #282
- Updated to latest FMIL tag by @modelonrobinandersson in #283
- Prepared for release of 2.16.2 by @modelonrobinandersson in #284
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.16.1...PyFMI-2.16.2
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.16.0...PyFMI-2.16.1
What's Changed
- nose to pytest conversion by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #221
- Added verification towards disk space by @chria in #276
- Changelog update for new release by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #277
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.15.0...PyFMI-2.16.0
What's Changed
- Added new method get_variables_data by @modelonrobinandersson in #267
- Added option to limit the result size by @chria in #268
- Added check for result size at the start of a simulation by @chria in #270
- Improved issue templates by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #271
- Fixing changelog by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #273
- Updated interface to get_variables_data by @modelonrobinandersson in #272
- Updated version numbers and changelogs by @modelonrobinandersson in #275
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.14.1...PyFMI-2.15.0
Attached wheels metadata:
- Linux wheel built on Ubuntu 22, gcc 11.
- Windows wheel built on Windows 10, gcc 5.
What's Changed
- Fixed the custom result handler for the Master algorithm by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #260
- setup: move nose to test requires by @jschueller in #265
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.14.0...PyFMI-2.14.1
Attached wheels metadata:
- Linux wheel built on Ubuntu 22, gcc 11.
- Windows wheel built on Windows 10, gcc 5.
--- PyFMI-2.14.0 ---
* Updated the error message displayed when loading FMUs with needsExecutionTool set to True.
* Loading unzipped FMUs now also works with relative paths.
* Enabled setting logging categories in FMI2 via "set_debug_logging".
* XML Logs exceeding maximal size will now be truncated to start/end of the last CAPI call which did not exceed the maximal log size.
Related pull requests
- Fix string escape by @jschueller in #246
- Fix string escape by @jschueller in #248
- Updated error message with respect to needsExecutionTool by @modelonrobinandersson in #249
- Fixing issue with relative paths when loading unzipped FMUs by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #254
- Enable setting of log categories by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #255
- Adding log truncation&checkpoints to ensure log truncation aligns with complete CAPI calls by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #252
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.13.1...PyFMI-2.14.0
Attached wheels are compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 (the linux wheel) and Windows 10 (the windows wheel).
What's Changed
- Properly setting required python version by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #239
- Updating GitHub action to latest assimulo by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #235
- CI: Try scipy 1.13.x by @jschueller in #243
- Numpy 2.x support by @jschueller in #245
- Allow to build without distutils by @jschueller in #236
- Prepared for release of 2.13.1 by @modelonrobinandersson in #247
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.13.0...PyFMI-2.13.1
What's Changed
- Upgrade to Cython 3 by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #229
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.12.0...PyFMI-2.13.0
What's Changed
- Remove FMUX and JMU related code by @filip-stenstrom in #196
- np.product is deprecated by @jschueller in #198
- Removing no longer required dependency on lxml by @PeterMeisrimelModelon in #200
- Update by @modelonrobinandersson in #204
- Update package_data by @modelonrobinandersson in #206
- Fixed spelling error in README by @modelonrobinandersson in #207
- Improved FMU Compliance info by @modelonrobinandersson in #209
- Unified result handling - enabled all result handlers for the master alg by @chria in #223
- [FEAT] PyFMI logging frequency by @modelonrobinandersson in #227
Full Changelog: PyFMI-2.11.0...PyFMI-2.12.0
- Refactored result handling for dynamic_diagnostics. It is now possible use dynamic_diagnostics with a custom result handler.
- Migrated some diagnostics functionality into a new file: src/common/ This should be seamless.
- pyfmi.common.diagnostics_prefix has been moved to pyfmi.common.diagnostics as DIAGNOSTICS_PREFIX.
Attached wheel for Python 3.8 is compiled on Ubuntu 20.04.
Attached wheel for Python 3.10 is compiled on Ubuntu 22.04, using
Package Version
--------------- -------
Assimulo 3.4.3
contourpy 1.2.0
cycler 0.12.1
Cython 0.29.37
fonttools 4.48.1
kiwisolver 1.4.5
matplotlib 3.8.3
numpy 1.26.4
packaging 23.2
pillow 10.2.0
pip 22.0.2
pyparsing 3.1.1
python-dateutil 2.8.2
scipy 1.12.0
setuptools 59.6.0
six 1.16.0
wheel 0.37.1