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Releases: modelon-community/Assimulo


12 Dec 08:44
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  • Added get_sundials_version function (import from assimulo.solvers.sundials).
  • Fixed bug that Radau5ODE would not count state events in statistics.
  • Removed tests from the Assimulo installation.
  • Changed testing framework from nose to pytest.


25 Jun 18:15
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  • Added support to build with Python 3.12.

  • Loosened restriction on scipy.

  • Fixed issue in setup.cfg with Python version requirement.

Full Changelog: Assimulo-3.5.1...Assimulo-3.5.2


17 May 14:27
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* Fixed build with sundials 7.x
* Added "std=legacy" as default fortran compile flag. 
  This addresses compilation issues commonly experienced with more modern Fortran standards.


13 May 16:00
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* Changed "numpy.float" to equivalent "numpy.float64" due to DeprecationWarnings in numpy >= 1.20.
* Improved examples with sparse jacobians by omitting the zeros in the jacobians.
* Upgraded to Cython >= 3.
* Removed deprecated build option "sundials_with_superlu", which is checked automatically.
* Added support for Sundials 7.x

Attached wheels are compiled on Ubuntu 22.04 (the linux wheel) and Windows 10 (the windows wheel).

Assimulo 3.4.3

03 Aug 12:00
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This release contains minor changes to an Assimulo example for improved scipy compliance, in particular this only entails #65 .

Attached wheel for Python 3.8 is compiled on Ubuntu 20.04.
Attached wheel for Python 3.10 is compiled on Ubuntu 22.04, using

Package         Version
--------------- -------
Assimulo        3.4.3
contourpy       1.2.0
cycler          0.12.1
Cython          0.29.37
fonttools       4.48.1
kiwisolver      1.4.5
matplotlib      3.8.3
numpy           1.26.4
packaging       23.2
pillow          10.2.0
pip             22.0.2
pyparsing       3.1.1
python-dateutil 2.8.2
scipy           1.12.0
setuptools      59.6.0
six             1.16.0
wheel           0.37.1

Assimulo 3.4.2

02 Aug 17:19
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Changes since 3.4.2

  1. Resolved a build issue for SuperLUMT with Sundials 6.x
  2. Resolved an issue where one of the examples would result in a NameError when using scipy 1.10.1.

Full Changelog: Assimulo-3.4.1...Assimulo-3.4.2


24 Apr 09:20
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  • Restored functionality of CVode with 'external_event_detection' = True, which broke with 3.4.0.
  • CVode now allows rtol = 0.
  • Added support for CVode (without sensitivities) with non-negative relative tolerance vector.
    Requires a SUNDIALS installation supporting this, see README.


10 Mar 13:50
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* Removed Radau5ODE Fortran implementation. 
  This change should be seamless since the C implementation is numerically equivalent.
* Radau5 C with SuperLU now requires compilation with '-D__RADAU5_WITH_SUPERLU'
* Refactored Radau5 C implementation; moved to thirdparty/radau5/.
* Replaced event localization for explicit problems with an equivalent C implementation.
* Added missing counts on event indicator evaluations when setting problem data in solvers.
* Fixed Radau5 bug where simulation would not stop when time limit has been exceeded.
* Radau5(ODE) errors due to Exceptions in callbacks will now raise these Exceptions, rather than Radau5Error.
* KeyboardInterrupt in Radau5ODE solout callback (e.g., event_indicator) will properly terminate simulation.
* Added warning if a solver does not support setting time limits.
* Added so that solver statistics is stored in case of early abort for CVode and Radau5.
* Minor refactoring of Radau5 C implementation:
  Now uses actual return value to return error codes. idid is return of solout callback.
* Separate fortran from C flags in
* Changed "numpy.bool" to equivalent "bool" due to DeprecationWarnings for numpy >= 1.20.


26 Sep 07:21
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  • Sundials 6.x port
  • Radau5ODE and Radau5DAE now correctly terminate from unrecoverable errors in right-hand side and Jacobian calls.
  • Added support for sparse LU decompositons (via SuperLU) in Radau5 solver.
    This is only available with the C version of the Radau5 solver.
  • Changed attribute name Radau5ODE.solver to Radau5ODE.implementation.
    Removed support for Radau5DAE.implementation = 'c'
  • Removed unused functionality from Radau5 C implementation: DAEs, 2nd order eq, banded matrix structures.


21 Dec 13:21
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  • Bugfix for C version of Radau5 solver