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Iwo Plaza edited this page Dec 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

DEPRECATED: This documentation applies only to unsupported versions of Mo' Bends, before 1.0.0

What's a BendsPack?

BendsPacks are packs of additional user-created content for the Mo' Bends mod. They can add and alter animations for mobs animated by the core mod itself, or by addons.

Where can I get BendsPacks?

You can get the official BendsPacks from the Mo' Bends Menu inside the game. Just go into the Packs tab!

BendsPacks can also be downloaded directly from the creator in the forms of two files:

  • pack_name.bendsmeta (the Bends META file)

    This file contains all information about the name of the pack, the author, the description etc.

  • pack_name.bends (the Bends file)

    This file contains all the animation data and content.

To install a BendsPack in this form, you need to put these two files into a bendspacks folder located in your Minecraft game directory. This should for most users be %APPDATA%/.minecraft/bendspacks.


Advanced usage

Internal systems (1.X)

Internal systems (2.X)

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