These are tools for automating some common AWS managemnt tasks. To run these python scripts, you can use the AWS cloudshell. Alternatively, you can run the scripts on your local machine.
In a multi-account AWS organisation, resources from individual accounts can be backed up and copied to a central repository. In this setup, the cost of retaining backups is attributed to the central account not the account owning the original resource.
This tool comes in 2 versions. Script add_account_id, and lambda function fn_add_account_id. Both implementations run the same program that adds and populates a tag "account_id" to all ec2 instances, volumes, and snapshots in a given account. These user added tags will propagate to snaphshots of these instances. When those snapshots are stored in other accounts (e.g. AWS Backup vault), then these tags can be used to identify the original owner account.
AWS Backup allows resources to be backed up if they are tagged with a certain configured tag. Manually tagging resources as required can be challenging in a large organisation.
This tool adds a custom tag and value to EBS volumes that are 'in-use'.
A common operation task in maintaining production loads in AWS is backing up EC2 instances with all their attached EBS volumes.
This module creates a full image of an EC2 instance by creating a snapshot of each volume attached to the machine. The script accepts 2 arguments, CRQ (The change request number) and the instance name.
Creating snapshots of EC2 instances can be a good practice. However, over time, those snapshots accumulate over time eating up unnecessary costs. Reporting existing snapshots using the AWS EC2 console can prove challenging when there is a large number of snapshots.
This tool generates a csv report of snapshot ids (snapshots_accountID.csv), creation date, and tags. It accepts the optional parameter (lastYearToReport) where snapshots are not reported if newer. The default is the current year.
Creating snapshots of EC2 instances can be a good practice. However, over time, those snapshots accumulate over time eating up unnecessary costs. Deleting existing snapshots using the AWS EC2 console can prove challenging when there is a large number of snapshots.
This tool removes EBS snapshots given in a csv report created by the report_snapshots tool . This script expects an input parameter referencing the csv report generated by the report_snapshots tool. The report is in human-readble csv format that can be edited using a spreadsheet or text editor before running the delete_snapshots tool
EC2 instances may be the most used AWS offering in many places. Iterating and reporting the large number of instances in an organisation with multiple accounts is particularly challenging.
This tool reports all EC2 instances in all accounts. The report contains the following columns: id, name, state.
Lambda serverless compute can be indespensible, thanks to being scalable and versatile. Reporting on all existing lambda functions and their runtimes can prove tricky, especially in big organisations with multiple accounts. Such a report can be valuable where, for example, there is a need to upgrade a runtime, or to define skillsets needed to maintain an account.
This tool generates a csv report of lambda functions in all available profiles. The report contains the following columns: profile,function_name,runtime
Step functions are used to orchestrate lambda functions. Reporting on all existing step functions can be time consuming, especially in big organisations with multiple accounts.
This tool generates a csv report of all step functions in all available profiles. The report contains the following columns: profile,function_name
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