Releases: mnurullaher/todo-app-spring-react
Releases · mnurullaher/todo-app-spring-react
Version 0.3.0
- [280dfbe] Merge branch 'main' of
- [6f4622d] updated build action yml file
Version 0.1.0
- [1def85b] updated release action yml file
- [9d8a048] updated tagging action yml file
- [6c95647] added tagging action yml file
- [c5a31e7] Update backend-ci.yml
- [4ed2d96] Update backend-ci.yml
- [ffd5560] Update backend-ci.yml
- [ca28e63] testing actions triggers
- [e88d68e] Update backend-ci.yml
- [313c38c] testing actions triggers4
- [759314c] Update backend-ci.yml
- [cee8ddb] testing actions triggers4
- [598369e] Update backend-ci.yml
- [3e911fa] testing actions triggers3
- [98403bf] Update backend-ci.yml
- [0b0b387] Merge branch 'main' of
- [1fd807c] testing actions triggers2
- [8486109] Update backend-ci.yml
- [d0de097] testing actions triggers1
- [15405ee] Create backend-ci.yml
- [8e5314e] jwtTokenService test created and jacoco configured
- [d1a0edf] test classes refactored
- [86a6d40] added IT tests for controller layer
- [e64f905] added mvc test for auth controller
- [e14db98] added other mvc tests for todo controller and logback-test.xml added to restrict testcontainer logs
- [dcbfac8] added MVC test for todo controller
- [02bd00e] other unit and IT tests added for todo and customer services
- [696b2f2] unit tests added for CustomerService
- [ee6eca7] BCrypt password encoder added to back-end
- [1791017] validation added to login and signup forms
- [45594c0] signupUser function props updated and redundant css removed
- [d8bd316] cganges merged
- [c8330f4] chore
- [1a02058] Merge pull request #1 from mnurullaher/ui-improvements
- [8221fce] more improvements
- [b14a967] Improve ui of login and signup pages
- [78e0c45] frontend restructured and css added
- [dee85c2] chore
- [a718d47] chore
- [d6479fb] refactor and dockerized frontend
- [fc38945] chore
- [0048fac] chore
- [a6f9cbe] back-end dockerized
- [b00d62d] refactor and bug fix
- [9c08faf] added sign-up page and some css
- [48fa6cc] get, complete and remove functions moved to client/Todo file
- [7d71020] private routes and jwt authentication added to front end
- [7e288ef] front-end refactored
- [409bdc8] todos and customers relationship established
- [f14cd4a] userDetails reorganizded as working with database and repository interfaces changed.
- [c140654] added Customer entity