A CLI for saving code snippets to a Notion page directly from your editor.
Run npm i
in the root of the project to download dependencies.
In the root, run npm link .
to gain access to the stn
command in your terminal.
For save-to-notion to work, you'll need an integration token from Notion. Follow step 1 in the Notion Developers 'Getting Started' guide to set this up.
You'll also need to provide a page ID. save-to-notion will send your code snippet to this page. You can find your page ID by 'Sharing' your page to the web, then taking the alphanumeric section of the URL. For instance, your link may look like:
In this case, "abcd1234zyxw0987qwertyuuiop" would be your page ID.
Add a .env file to the root folder and add two keys: "INTEGRATION_TOKEN" and "PAGE_ID". Set them equal to your Notion integration token and page ID, respectively. If these variables are not present, save-to-notion will prompt you to enter them via the command line. You can do this when setting up your .env variables for the first time instead of creating a .env file. Currently, the only way to change the page ID is to manually change it in the .env file.
You also need to select a programming language. The easiest way to do this is to run stn -l
. Alternatively, you can set the CODE_LANG .env variable yourself.
Place an in line comment (e.g. // stn
, # stn
, etc.) at the start of where you would like to copy, place a closing in line comment (e.g // stnend
, # stnend
) at the end. Then run .stn [filepath]
in your console. save-to-notion will automatically create a block containing that code in your Notion page.
// stn
const exampleFn = () => {
return "hello save-to-notion";
// stnend
Set programming language
Note: stn currently supports Javascript, Python, Ruby, Rust, Go, Java, C++, HTML, and CSS.