Yaafe source code should compile on linux and MacOsX platforms, and uses CMake as a compilation tool. Yaafe requires third-party libraries to enable specific features. Some of these libraries may already be available on your system.
Depending on optional features you want to use, other librairies may be used:
- libsndfile: enable reading WAV files format (highly recommended)
- libmpg123: enable reading MP3 audio files
- HDF5 >= 1.8: enable H5 output format
- liblapack: enable some audio features (LSF)
- FFTW3: use FFTW instead of Eigen for FFT computations (pay attention to licensing issues when linking with the GPL FFTW3 library).
Once previous libraries are installed (some may have been locally installed in <lib-path>
you can compile with the following steps:
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<lib-path> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install-path> ..
make install
For more compilation options, see the online manual.
You must set your YAAFE_PATH environment var to the "yaafe_extensions" dir so that yaafe can find available features::
export YAAFE_PATH=$DEST_DIR/yaafe_extensions
To easily use Yaafe, you should set the following environment vars::
export PATH=$PATH:$DEST_DIR/bin
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$DEST_DIR/python_packages
If you use Matlab, you can set your MATLABPATH var::
Documentation is also available online: http://yaafe.sourceforge.net/
To build documentation, you need Sphinx. Before building documentation, you should set your environment correctly so that sphinx builds documentation with automatic features documentation.
To build documentation, just run make doc
in the build
directory. Documentation is built in doc/html
YAAFE is released under the version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Read COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for more details. The user should also read DISCLAIMER before linking with optional libraries which have different license policy.
To get help with YAAFE, use the mailing-list [email protected] (registration at https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/yaafe-users ).
Yaafe was first developed at [Telecom Paristech / AAO Team] (http://www.tsi.telecom-paristech.fr/aao/en/). It uses several great open-source projects like [Eigen] (http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/), [Smarc] (http://audio-smarc.sourceforge.net/), [libsndfile
] (http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/), [mpg123
] (http://www.mpg123.de/), [HDF5] (http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/).
If you want to cite Yaafe in a publication, please see CITATION <CITATION.rst>