A project developed by Matteo Lionello and Luca Cecchetti, Social and Affective Neuroscience (SANe), IMT Lucca, Italy. The code is part of an on-going project planned as an application of the work proposed by Winkler A. M. et al. (2016). Non-parametric combination and related permutation tests for neuroimaging to validate non-parametric combination across participants in a one-sample multi-column encoding fmri study setup, at the same time, by providing a tool for power analysis.
This project aims at introducing a power analysis when performing non-parametric combination between subjects in an f-MRI setup. The work is split in three parts:
- volumes generation
- experiment simulation
- experiment-wise analysis
Given a design matrix X #timepoints by #features;
given a R2target value sampled from a given distribution:
xi ~ N(R2_µ, R2_std);
for each volume i, generate voxel j such that:
y ~ N(0, stdVx) + U(beta1, beta2) * X,
by sampling random beta until: xi - regress(y, X) < thr
(to generate non-effected volumes no “< thr“ constraints).
For each voxel a R2 null-distribution is calculated via timepoint-shuffling.
Then, for each voxel, get the parametric u-value via:
1 - Beta(R2ij | #features/2, (#timepoints - #features - 1) / 2 )
Voxelwise: concatenating 1 effected voxel with non-effected volumes (true positive);
only non-effected volumes (false positives);
Clusterbased: 3d-wrap effected and 3d-padding with non-effected (true positive);
3d-wrap non-effected (false positives).
U-values combination via fisher:
combined_subs = - 2 * Σ{i = 1..N}(log(uvalues_subi))
Null-distribution from max statistic across all permutations.
Each experiment passes if: p_value < alpha for the effected voxel (true positive);
and any p_value < alpha for the non-effected volume (false positive).
Get maximum cluster size from those voxels passing the cluster forming threshold:
1 - χ2(comb_sub | #sub * 2) < cft
The experiments passes if: p_value < alpha for the mixed volume (true positive) and any p_value < alpha for the non-effected 3d-warp (false positive).
- volume_generator: function used to generate effected and non-effected volumes of voxels.
- subj_sampling: function called after generating volumes, it concatenates sampled volumes into subjects and it calls vc_correction for running the simulated experiments.
Please, visit the Wiki Documentation
Here follows a few initial examples of how to combine the different part of the code. Further usages can be found in the wiki documentation.
voxelwise correction:
generate_volumes(300, 6, 120, 1, [0.079, 0.017], ...
'greater_dist', 1 ) # generate effected voxel (1 effected voxels for 300 subjects - mean 0.079, std 0.017)
generate_volumes(300, 6, 120, 0, [], ...
'nb_noneffvx', 90000) # generate non-effected voxels (90000 non-eff. for 300 subjects)
generate_volumes(300, 6, 120, 27, [[0.079, 0.017], ... # combination of the previous two commands
'nb_noneffvx', 90000, ...
'greater_dist', 1 )
outfolder = subj_subsampling('voxelwise', ... # sample 80 volumes from eff and non-eff ones, and calcuate the outcome of 150 experiments
['data/in006_t0120/subjects/r2_079_017_230101_080000', ...
'data/in006_t0120/subjects/noneffdst_230101_080002'], ...
80, 150, [], 'subj_range' = [5: 5: 80]); # r2 is not needed to be specified as the pewvious generated folder will be used to be randomly sampled
# in the case the effected voxels were generated with 'grtdst' arguments, it must be selected the r2 range
compute_mean_res(outfolder) # average the individual results to get the power of the voxelwise correction
clusterbased correction:
generate_volumes(120, 6, 4^3, 120, [0.079, 0.017]); # generate effected volumes (4-voxel-width cube of effected voxels for 120 subjects - mean 0.079, std 0.017)
outfolder = subj_subsampling('clusterbased', ...
['data/in006_t0120/subjects/r2_079_017_230102_090000', ...
'data/in006_t0120/subjects/noneffdst_230101_080002'], ...
80, 150, [], 'subj_range' = [5: 5: 80],
'nb_noneffvx', get_nb_null_vx(4, 20)); # r2 similarly treated as above
# the non-effected volumes generated early will be used to pad the effected cube with 20 voxels each side
Folder structure (OUTDATED)
├── Napucco.m
├── utils/
│ └── ...
├── generators/
│ ├── create_volumes.m
| ├── resume_generation.m
│ └── ...
├── core_functions/
│ ├── subj_sampling.m
│ ├── vc_correction.m
│ └── ...
├── data/
│ ├── inYYY_tYYYY/ # This is the home folder for all the simulation sharing the same number of regressors and number of timepoints
│ │ ├── results/ # experiments
│ │ │ ├── r2_muR2_stdR2_{K,V,B}DATE_TIME/ # experiments results for given R2 target sampled from population, cluster or voxel wise correction
│ │ │ │ ├── hyparams.mat
│ │ │ │ ├── opts.mat
│ │ │ │ └── {voxelwise,clusterbased}_correction/ # this folder contains all the individual outcome (pass or fail) of all the experiment repetition {results_XXX.mat}
│ │ │ │ ├── grouping/ # this folder contains all the individual outcome (pass or fail) of all the experiment repetition {results_XXX.mat}
│ │ │ │ └── groupingavg/ # this folder contains power.mat file containing the fpr or power results for the set of experiments
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── subjects/ # volumes
│ │ ├── {nulldst,grtdst,r2_muR2_stdR2}_DATE_TIME/ # collection of generated volumes sampled from the same R2 distribution
│ │ │ ├── hyparams.mat
│ │ │ ├── dist_settings.mat
│ │ │ ├── histR2{null}.csv # R2 information storage for volumes extraction during experiments
│ │ │ ├── subj_XXXX.mat # R2 and p-values genereated for each subject/volume.
│ │ │ └── ...
│ │ └── ...
│ └── ...
└── ...