Make sure all dependencies are installed using:
go get
at the root of the project.
Once all dependencies are installed, you can build the project using:
go build
which will create a binary at the root of the project. Then you only need to run the given binary using
Additionally, you can use the -a flag to specify an address to listen to. By default, the address will be localhost:8080.
The server is running after that and you can call it directly.
The server has two endpoints:
which takes 5 parameters: int1, int2, limit, str1, and str2, such that it returns the fizzbuzz sequence corresponding to the given parameters, as specified in the project specification. It only accepts GET requests.
which can take a 'top' parameter. If top is not given, it will be automatically assigned the value 1. This endpoint returns the most 'top' called parameter sets on /fizzbuzz endpoint, along with the number of times they've been called. It only accepts GET requests.