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Improved Search

Improved Search #121

GitHub Actions / Xcode test results failed Sep 29, 2023 in 0s

Xcode test results

Build Summary

Compile ReplyToComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile Notifier.swift (x86_64)
Compile DeleteAccountView.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReplyToCommentReply.swift (x86_64)
Compile String.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityResponse+Mock.swift (x86_64)
Compile ThemeSettingsView.swift (x86_64)
Compile APIMyUserInfo.swift (x86_64)
Compile APISite.swift (x86_64)
Compile Cached Image.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetCommunity.swift (x86_64)
Compile Feed View Logic.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox Item Type.swift (x86_64)
Compile SearchTabPicker.swift (x86_64)
Compile LicensesView.swift (x86_64)
Compile FancyTabBar.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityListModel.swift (x86_64)
Compile Menu Function.swift (x86_64)
Compile SearchModel.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommentSettingsView.swift (x86_64)
Compile App State.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommentRepository+Dependency.swift (x86_64)
Compile SearchRequest.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile UserModel.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReadCheck.swift (x86_64)
Compile PostSortType.swift (x86_64)
Compile LayoutWidgetTracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile CreateComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile HideCommunity.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityResultView.swift (x86_64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Extra arguments at positions #2, #4 in call
error: Swift Compiler Error: Missing argument for parameter 'action' in call

Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/CommunityResultView.swift:92:19: error: extra arguments at positions #2, #4 in call
SwiftUI.Button:3:12: note: 'init(_:role:action:)' declared here
    public init(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, role: ButtonRole?, action: @escaping () -> Void)
Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/CommunityResultView.swift:94:88: error: missing argument for parameter 'action' in call
                systemImage: community.subscribed ? Icons.unsubscribe : Icons.subscribe,
                                                                                       , action: <#() -> Void#>
SwiftUI.Button:3:12: note: 'init(_:role:action:)' declared here
    public init(_ titleKey: LocalizedStringKey, role: ButtonRole?, action: @escaping () -> Void)

Compile NavigationLink+Helpers.swift (x86_64)
Compile View - Hide View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Notifiable.swift (x86_64)
Compile User.swift (x86_64)
Compile InternetConnectionManager.swift (x86_64)
Compile UnreadTracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile Post Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile Replies Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetPosts.swift (x86_64)
Compile QuickLookView.swift (x86_64)
Compile PostComposerView.swift (x86_64)
Compile APICommunityModeratorView.swift (x86_64)
Compile CreatePrivateMessageRequest.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityLinkView.swift (x86_64)
Compile APISiteAggregates.swift (x86_64)
Compile PersistenceRepository+Dependency.swift (x86_64)
Compile UserViewTab.swift (x86_64)
Compile SiteInformationTracker+Dependency.swift (x86_64)


Check failure on line 92 in Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/CommunityResultView.swift

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Xcode test results


Extra arguments at positions #2, #4 in call

Check failure on line 94 in Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/CommunityResultView.swift

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Xcode test results


Missing argument for parameter 'action' in call