Add GitHub action CI builds #10
Xcode test results
Build Summary
Compile APISite.swift (x86_64)
Compile Cached Image.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetCommunity.swift (x86_64)
Compile Feed View Logic.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Environment - Force Onboard.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox Item Type.swift (x86_64)
Compile LicensesView.swift (x86_64)
Compile FancyTabBar.swift (x86_64)
Compile Share Sheet.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityListModel.swift (x86_64)
Compile Menu Function.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommentSettingsView.swift (x86_64)
Compile App State.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommentRepository+Dependency.swift (x86_64)
Compile SearchRequest.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile APISite+Mock.swift (x86_64)
Compile FancyTabItemPreferenceKeys.swift (x86_64)
Compile Post Model.swift (x86_64)
Compile AssociatedIconProtocol.swift (x86_64)
Compile Sidebar Header Label.swift (x86_64)
Compile SavedAccountTracker+Dependency.swift (x86_64)
Compile PostSortMenu.swift (x86_64)
Emitting module for Mlem
Compile Int.swift (x86_64)
Compile MlemApp.swift (x86_64)
Compile End Of Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile APILanguage.swift (x86_64)
Compile TimeInterval+Period.swift (x86_64)
Compile Licenses.swift (x86_64)
Compile DeleteComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile ErrorAlert.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox Mention View.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetReplies.swift (x86_64)
Compile Accounts Page.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox View Logic.swift (x86_64)
Compile Date.swift (x86_64)
Compile Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReportMessage.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReportCommentReply.swift (x86_64)
Compile All Items Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Critical Errors.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityListRowViews.swift (x86_64)
Compile Add Account View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Favorite Community Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile AppDelegate.swift (x86_64)
Compile ShareButtonView.swift (x86_64)
Compile Search View.swift (x86_64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Main actor-isolated property 'isSearching' can not be mutated from the main actor
Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/Search View.swift:172:21: error: main actor-isolated property 'isSearching' can not be mutated from the main actor
isSearching = false
Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/Search View.swift:24:24: note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
@State private var isSearching: Bool = false
Compiling ErrorDetails+Mock.swift, Expanded Post.swift, Profile View.swift, Empty Button Style.swift, App Theme.swift, APIClient+Post.swift, Community Link.swift, GetSite.swift, Haptic Manager.swift, SavedAccount+Mock.swift, APIFederatedInstances.swift, MarkAllAsReadRequest.swift, DownvoteCounterView.swift, Sidebar Header Avatar.swift, APIPersonMentionView.swift, ServerInstanceLocation.swift, ContributorsView.swift, SavePost.swift, PostRepository+Dependency.swift, APICommentAggregates.swift, Lazy Load Expanded Post.swift, APIPerson.swift, Thumbnail Image View.swift, APIContentViewProtocol.swift
error: Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code
Command SwiftCompile failed with a nonzero exit code
Check failure on line 172 in Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/Search%20View.swift
github-actions / Xcode test results
Main actor-isolated property 'isSearching' can not be mutated from the main actor