Add GitHub action CI builds #7
Xcode test results
Build Summary
Compile Post Link.swift (x86_64)
Compile ImageSize.swift (x86_64)
Compile SiteInformationTracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile User Moderator Link.swift (x86_64)
Compile User Profile Label.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommentBodyView.swift (x86_64)
Compile Array - Prepend.swift (x86_64)
Compile FancyTabBarLabel.swift (x86_64)
Compile Large Post.swift (x86_64)
Compile APIPersonMention.swift (x86_64)
Compile PersistenceRepository.swift (x86_64)
Compile DocumentView.swift (x86_64)
Compile URLSessionWebSocketTask - Send Ping.swift (x86_64)
Compile Website Indicator View.swift (x86_64)
Compile LayoutWidget.swift (x86_64)
Compile URL+Mock.swift (x86_64)
Compile Mentions Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile ResponseEditorView.swift (x86_64)
Compile ExpandedPostLogic.swift (x86_64)
Compile InstanceMetadata.swift (x86_64)
Compile MarkPersonMentionAsReadRequest.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetPersonUnreadCount.swift (x86_64)
Compile View - CustomBadge.swift (x86_64)
Compile Bundle - Current App Icon.swift (x86_64)
Compile Int.swift (x86_64)
Compile MlemApp.swift (x86_64)
Compile End Of Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile APILanguage.swift (x86_64)
Compile TimeInterval+Period.swift (x86_64)
Compile Licenses.swift (x86_64)
Compile DeleteComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile ErrorAlert.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox Mention View.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetReplies.swift (x86_64)
Compile Accounts Page.swift (x86_64)
Compile Inbox View Logic.swift (x86_64)
Compile Date.swift (x86_64)
Compile Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReportMessage.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReportCommentReply.swift (x86_64)
Compile All Items Feed View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Critical Errors.swift (x86_64)
Compile CommunityListRowViews.swift (x86_64)
Compile Add Account View.swift (x86_64)
Compile Favorite Community Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile AppDelegate.swift (x86_64)
Compile ShareButtonView.swift (x86_64)
Compile Search View.swift (x86_64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Main actor-isolated property 'isSearching' can not be mutated from the main actor
Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/Search View.swift:172:21: error: main actor-isolated property 'isSearching' can not be mutated from the main actor
isSearching = false
Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/Search View.swift:24:24: note: mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor
@State private var isSearching: Bool = false
Compile User Moderator View.swift (x86_64)
Compile HapticPriority.swift (x86_64)
Compile PostRepository.swift (x86_64)
Compile Saved Account Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile GetComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile APICommentView.swift (x86_64)
Compile FancyTabItemLabelBuilder.swift (x86_64)
Compile FiltersSettingsView.swift (x86_64)
Compile APICommunity.swift (x86_64)
Compile APICommunityAggregates.swift (x86_64)
Compile SaveButtonView.swift (x86_64)
Compile Embedded Post.swift (x86_64)
Compile Environment - EasterFlagSetter.swift (x86_64)
Compile Comment Tracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile LoginRequest.swift (x86_64)
Compile HierarchicalComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile FancyTabBarSelectionEnvironmentKey.swift (x86_64)
Compile Markdown View.swift (x86_64)
Compile QuickLookPreviewController.swift (x86_64)
Compile OperationQueue - Easy init.swift (x86_64)
Compile ReadCheck.swift (x86_64)
Compile PostSortType.swift (x86_64)
Compile LayoutWidgetTracker.swift (x86_64)
Compile CreateComment.swift (x86_64)
Compile HideCommunity.swift (x86_64)
Check failure on line 172 in Mlem/Views/Tabs/Search/Search%20View.swift
github-actions / Xcode test results
Main actor-isolated property 'isSearching' can not be mutated from the main actor