Now if our application wants to send an e-mail...
$mailJob = new EMail("[email protected]", "Hello?", "This is a test mail.");
...then it can either do that right away, delaying the application's response and requiring exception handling:
$mailJob->send(); // this might throw a RuntimeException!
Or it can put the job in a work queue for later execution:
use mle86\WQ\WorkServerAdapter\BeanstalkdWorkServer;
$workServer = BeanstalkdWorkServer::connect("localhost");
$workServer->storeJob("mail", $mailJob);
This serializes the $mailJob
and puts in into the “mail
” work queue
of the local Beanstalkd work server.
is an implementation of the WorkServerAdapter
It is provided in the mle86/wq-beanstalkd package.)
Alright, the job is now in the work queue. What next?
See next: Work the Queue.