We still have to execute the queued jobs somewhere, but not in the same application script. We need a process that checks the work queue regularly, executing any jobs it finds.
We could write a cronjob script
that regularly calls $workServer->getNextQueueEntry("mail")->getJob()->send()
but we'd need to add some custom error handling.
There's a WorkProcessor
class that already does all of that:
use mle86\WQ\WorkProcessor;
$processor = new WorkProcessor($workServer);
$processor->processNextJob("mail", function(EMail $mailJob) {
This will fetch the next job from the “mail
” queue
(waiting up to 5 seconds until a job arrives
if there's no job currently available),
run the callback function (which will call the job's send()
and then delete the job from the work queue
(unless it threw an exception).
We could easily wrap that processNextJob()
call in a while(true)
call that script once on system boot,
and be done.
See next: Error Handling.