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gnumonik committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent ed35645 commit a9f7a14
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Showing 2 changed files with 11 additions and 17 deletions.
25 changes: 11 additions & 14 deletions src/Language/PureScript/CoreFn/Desugar.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just arrT@(ArrayT ty)) astlit@(A.Literal _ (ArrayLiteral ts)
arr <- ArrayLiteral <$> traverse (exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just ty)) ts
pure $ Literal (ss,[],Nothing) arrT arr
-- An empty list could either have a TyVar or a quantified type (or a concrete type, which is handled by the previous case)
exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just tyVar) astlit@(A.Literal _ (ArrayLiteral [])) = wrapTrace ("exprToCoreFn ARRAYLIT EMPTY " <> renderValue 100 astlit) $ do
exprToCoreFn _ ss (Just tyVar) astlit@(A.Literal _ (ArrayLiteral [])) = wrapTrace ("exprToCoreFn ARRAYLIT EMPTY " <> renderValue 100 astlit) $ do
pure $ Literal (ss,[],Nothing) tyVar (ArrayLiteral [])
exprToCoreFn _ _ Nothing astlit@(A.Literal _ (ArrayLiteral _)) =
internalError $ "Error while desugaring Array Literal. No type provided for literal:\n" <> renderValue 100 astlit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,8 +376,7 @@ exprToCoreFn _ _ _ (A.Var ss ident) = wrapTrace ("exprToCoreFn VAR " <> show ide
Nothing -> lookupDictType ident >>= \case
Just ty -> pure $ Var (ss, [], getValueMeta env ident) (purusTy ty) ident
Nothing -> do
-- pEnv <- printEnv
traceM $ "No known type for identifier " <> show ident -- <> "\n in:\n" <> LT.unpack (pShow $ names env)
traceM $ "No known type for identifier " <> show ident
error "boom"
-- If-Then-Else Turns into a case expression
exprToCoreFn mn ss (Just resT) (A.IfThenElse cond th el) = wrapTrace "exprToCoreFn IFTE" $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -539,11 +538,11 @@ inferBinder'
-> A.Binder
-> m (M.Map Ident (SourceSpan, SourceType))
inferBinder' _ A.NullBinder = return M.empty
inferBinder' val (A.LiteralBinder _ (StringLiteral _)) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' STRLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' val (A.LiteralBinder _ (CharLiteral _)) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' CHARLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' val (A.LiteralBinder _ (NumericLiteral (Left _))) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' LITINT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' val (A.LiteralBinder _ (NumericLiteral (Right _))) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' NUMBERLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' val (A.LiteralBinder _ (BooleanLiteral _)) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' BOOLLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' _ (A.LiteralBinder _ (StringLiteral _)) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' STRLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' _ (A.LiteralBinder _ (CharLiteral _)) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' CHARLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' _ (A.LiteralBinder _ (NumericLiteral (Left _))) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' LITINT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' _ (A.LiteralBinder _ (NumericLiteral (Right _))) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' NUMBERLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' _ (A.LiteralBinder _ (BooleanLiteral _)) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' BOOLLIT" $ return M.empty
inferBinder' val (A.VarBinder ss name) = wrapTrace ("inferBinder' VAR " <> T.unpack (runIdent name)) $ return $ M.singleton name (ss, val)
inferBinder' val (A.ConstructorBinder ss ctor binders) = wrapTrace ("inferBinder' CTOR: " <> show ctor) $ do
traceM $ "InferBinder VAL:\n" <> ppType 100 val
Expand All @@ -559,7 +558,7 @@ inferBinder' val (A.ConstructorBinder ss ctor binders) = wrapTrace ("inferBinder
M.unions <$> zipWithM inferBinder' (reverse args) binders
_ -> throwError . errorMessage' ss . UnknownName . fmap DctorName $ ctor
peelArgs :: Type a -> ([Type a], Type a) -- NOTE: Not sure if we want to "peel constraints" too. Need to think of an example to test.
peelArgs :: Type a -> ([Type a], Type a)
peelArgs = go []
go args (TypeApp _ (TypeApp _ fn arg) ret) | eqType fn tyFunction = go (arg : args) ret
Expand All @@ -578,7 +577,7 @@ inferBinder' val (A.LiteralBinder _ (ObjectLiteral props)) = wrapTrace "inferBin
-- The type-level labels are authoritative
diff = S.difference typeKeys exprKeys
if S.null diff
then deduceRowProperties (M.fromList rowItems) props' -- M.unions <$> zipWithM inferBinder' (snd <$> rowItems) (snd <$> props')
then deduceRowProperties (M.fromList rowItems) props'
else error $ "Error. Object literal in a pattern match is missing fields: " <> show diff
deduceRowProperties :: M.Map PSString SourceType -> [(PSString,A.Binder)] -> m (M.Map Ident (SourceSpan,SourceType))
Expand All @@ -598,10 +597,8 @@ inferBinder' val (A.NamedBinder ss name binder) = wrapTrace ("inferBinder' NAMED
return $ M.insert name (ss, val) m
inferBinder' val (A.PositionedBinder pos _ binder) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' POSITIONEDBINDER" $
warnAndRethrowWithPositionTC pos $ inferBinder' val binder
inferBinder' val (A.TypedBinder ty binder) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' TYPEDBINDER" $ do
(elabTy, kind) <- kindOf ty
-- checkTypeKind ty kind -- NOTE: Check whether we really need to do anything except inferBinder' the inner
-- unifyTypes val elabTy
inferBinder' _ (A.TypedBinder ty binder) = wrapTrace "inferBinder' TYPEDBINDER" $ do
(elabTy, _) <- kindOf ty
inferBinder' elabTy binder
inferBinder' _ A.OpBinder{} =
internalError "OpBinder should have been desugared before inferBinder'"
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions src/Language/PureScript/CoreFn/Desugar/Utils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -260,7 +260,6 @@ unwrapRecord = \case
go :: RowListItem a -> (PSString, Type a)
go RowListItem{..} = (runLabel rowListLabel, rowListType)

traceNameTypes :: M m => m ()
traceNameTypes = do
nametypes <- getEnv >>= pure . debugNames
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,7 +320,6 @@ desugarConstraintsInDecl = \case
in A.DataDeclaration ann declTy tName args (fixCtor <$> ctorDecs)
other -> other

-- Gives much more readable output (with colors for brackets/parens!) than plain old `show`
pTrace :: (Monad m, Show a) => a -> m ()
pTrace = traceM . LT.unpack . pShow
Expand All @@ -339,7 +337,6 @@ wrapTrace msg act = do
startMsg = pad $ "BEGIN " <> msg
endMsg = pad $ "END " <> msg

This is used to solve a problem that arises with re-exported instances.
Expand Down

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