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gnumonik committed May 28, 2024
1 parent 1de91e0 commit 89162e4
Showing 1 changed file with 20 additions and 21 deletions.
41 changes: 20 additions & 21 deletions src/Language/PureScript/CST/Convert.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ groupSignaturesAndDeclarations decls = trace ("DECLARATIONS (grouping): \n" <> c
$ go kindSigs typeSigs decls'
((kindSigs,typeSigs),decls') = foldr (\x acc -> case x of
ksig@(DeclKindSignature _ _ (Labeled (nameValue -> nm) _ ty)) -> first (first $ M.insert nm ksig) acc
ksig@(DeclKindSignature _ _ (Labeled (nameValue -> nm) _ _)) -> first (first $ M.insert nm ksig) acc
tsig@(DeclSignature _ (Labeled (nameValue -> nm) _ _)) -> first (second (M.insert nm tsig)) acc
other -> second (other:) acc
) ((M.empty,M.empty),[]) decls

go ksigs tsigs [] = []
go _ _ [] = []
go ksigs tsigs (d:ds) = case d of
dataDecl@(DeclData _ (DataHead _ (nameValue -> nm) _ ) _) -> case M.lookup nm ksigs of
Just sigDecl -> [sigDecl,dataDecl] : go ksigs tsigs ds
Expand All @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ groupSignaturesAndDeclarations decls = trace ("DECLARATIONS (grouping): \n" <> c
valDecWithName nm (DeclValue _ (valName -> nm')) = nameValue nm == nameValue nm'
valDecWithName _ _ = False

comment :: Comment a -> Maybe C.Comment
comment = \case
Comment t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ convertType' withinVta fileName = go
b' <- go b
let ann = Pos.widenSourceAnn (T.getAnnForType a') (T.getAnnForType b')
pure $ T.TypeApp ann a' b'
ty@(TypeOp _ _ _ _) -> do
ty@(TypeOp {}) -> do
reassoc op b' a = do
a' <- go a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,15 +324,15 @@ convertGuarded fileName = \case
where' <- convertWhere fileName x
pure $ AST.GuardedExpr ps' where'
go = convertExpr fileName
p (PatternGuard Nothing x) = AST.ConditionGuard <$> (go x)
p (PatternGuard (Just (b, _)) x) = AST.PatternGuard <$> (convertBinder fileName b) <*> (go x)
p (PatternGuard Nothing x) = AST.ConditionGuard <$> go x
p (PatternGuard (Just (b, _)) x) = AST.PatternGuard <$> convertBinder fileName b <*> go x

convertWhere :: String -> Where a -> ConvertM AST.Expr
convertWhere fileName = \case
Where expr Nothing -> convertExpr fileName expr
Where expr (Just (_, bs)) -> do
let ann = uncurry (sourceAnnCommented fileName) $ exprRange expr
letExp <- AST.Let AST.FromWhere <$> (traverse (convertLetBinding fileName) $ NE.toList bs)
letExp <- AST.Let AST.FromWhere <$> traverse (convertLetBinding fileName) (NE.toList bs)
uncurry AST.PositionedValue ann . letExp <$> convertExpr fileName expr

convertLetBinding :: String -> LetBinding a -> ConvertM AST.Declaration
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ convertExpr fileName = go
lbl = \case
RecordPun f -> do
exp' <- go . ExprIdent z $ QualifiedName (nameTok f) Nothing (nameValue f)
pure $ (mkString . getIdent $ nameValue f, exp')
pure (mkString . getIdent $ nameValue f, exp')
RecordField f _ v -> (lblName f,) <$> go v
vals = case bs of
Just (Separated x xs) -> do
Expand All @@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ convertExpr fileName = go
b' <- go b
c' <- go c
pure $ positioned ann $ AST.BinaryNoParens b' a' c'
expr@(ExprOp _ _ _ _) -> do
expr@(ExprOp {}) -> do
ann = uncurry (sourceAnn fileName) $ exprRange expr
reassoc op b a = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -460,8 +460,8 @@ convertExpr fileName = go
expr@(ExprRecordUpdate _ a b) -> do
ann = uncurry (sourceAnnCommented fileName) $ exprRange expr
k (RecordUpdateLeaf f _ x) = go x >>= \x' -> pure $ (lblName f, AST.Leaf x')
k (RecordUpdateBranch f xs) = toTree xs >>= \xs' -> pure $ (lblName f, AST.Branch xs')
k (RecordUpdateLeaf f _ x) = go x >>= \x' -> pure (lblName f, AST.Leaf x')
k (RecordUpdateBranch f xs) = toTree xs >>= \xs' -> pure (lblName f, AST.Branch xs')
toTree (Wrapped _ xs _) = do
xs' <- traverse k $ toList xs
pure $ AST.PathTree . AST.AssocList $ xs'
Expand All @@ -481,9 +481,9 @@ convertExpr fileName = go
let ann = uncurry (sourceAnnCommented fileName) $ exprRange expr
a' <- convertBinder fileName (NE.head as)
b' <- go b
let goAbs _b _xs = foldrM (\x acc -> do
let goAbs = foldrM (\x acc -> do
x' <- convertBinder fileName x
pure $ AST.Abs x' acc) _b _xs
pure $ AST.Abs x' acc)
inner <- goAbs b' (NE.tail as)
pure $ positioned ann
. AST.Abs a'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ convertBinder fileName = go
positioned =
uncurry AST.PositionedBinder

go :: Binder a -> ConvertM (AST.Binder)
go :: Binder a -> ConvertM AST.Binder
go = \case
BinderWildcard _ a ->
pure $ positioned (sourceAnnCommented fileName a a) AST.NullBinder
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ convertBinder fileName = go
ann = sourceAnnCommented fileName a c
lbl = \case
RecordPun f -> (mkString . getIdent $ nameValue f,) <$> (go $ BinderVar z f)
RecordPun f -> (mkString . getIdent $ nameValue f,) <$> go (BinderVar z f)
RecordField f _ v -> (lblName f,) <$> go v
vals = case bs of
Just (Separated x xs) -> do
Expand All @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ convertBinder fileName = go
b' <- convertType fileName b
let ann = (sourceSpan fileName . toSourceRange $ binderRange binder, [])
pure $ positioned ann $ AST.TypedBinder b' a'
binder@(BinderOp _ _ _ _) -> do
binder@(BinderOp {}) -> do
ann = uncurry (sourceAnn fileName) $ binderRange binder
reassoc op b a = do
Expand All @@ -609,10 +609,10 @@ convertDeclaration fileName decl = case decl of
fields' <- traverse (convertType fileName) fields
case tl of
[] ->
pure [AST.DataConstructorDeclaration (sourceAnnCommented fileName st (nameTok name)) (nameValue name) (zip ctrFields $ fields')]
pure [AST.DataConstructorDeclaration (sourceAnnCommented fileName st (nameTok name)) (nameValue name) (zip ctrFields fields')]
(st',ctor) : tl' -> do
rest <- ctrs st' ctor tl'
pure $ AST.DataConstructorDeclaration (sourceAnnCommented fileName st (nameTok name)) (nameValue name) (zip ctrFields $ fields')
pure $ AST.DataConstructorDeclaration (sourceAnnCommented fileName st (nameTok name)) (nameValue name) (zip ctrFields fields')
: rest

ctorDecls <- maybe (pure []) (\(st, Separated hd tl) -> ctrs st hd tl) bd
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -692,7 +692,7 @@ convertDeclaration fileName decl = case decl of
TokLowerName [] "type" -> AST.TypeSynonymSig
TokLowerName [] "class" -> AST.ClassSig
tok -> internalError $ "Invalid kind signature keyword " <> Text.unpack (printToken tok)
pure $ [AST.KindDeclaration ann kindFor (nameValue name) ty']
pure [AST.KindDeclaration ann kindFor (nameValue name) ty']
DeclSignature _ lbl ->
pure <$> convertSignature fileName lbl
DeclValue _ fields ->
Expand All @@ -705,8 +705,7 @@ convertDeclaration fileName decl = case decl of
Infixl -> AST.Infixl
fixity = AST.Fixity assoc prec
pure . pure $ AST.FixityDeclaration ann $ case fxop of
FixityValue name _ op -> do
Left $ AST.ValueFixity fixity (first ident <$> qualified name) (nameValue op)
FixityValue name _ op -> Left $ AST.ValueFixity fixity (first ident <$> qualified name) (nameValue op)
FixityType _ name _ op ->
Right $ AST.TypeFixity fixity (qualified name) (nameValue op)
DeclForeign _ _ _ frn ->
Expand Down

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