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Releases: mkreilly/bayarea_urbansim_backup

Better non-residential, and central focused residential models

17 Nov 22:45
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This is still a 2nd draft of the NP. Going to start running the simulations soon.

Fairly reasonable distribution of residential for No Project

09 Oct 00:19
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This is a pretty good time to tag a release based on the distribution of new units on the residential side. There's still a few questions - does Oakland or maybe Marin grow too much? But we're pretty close to zoning capacity so it's likely the answer might be no.

Some work has been put into non-residential at this point, but office is not perfect, and retail is downright bad right now. More to come!


07 May 17:56
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Simulation Models (run sequentially in the same simulation):
neighborhood_vars # accessibility variables
rsh_simulate # residential sales hedonic
nrh_simulate # non-residential rent hedonic
households_transition # households transition
price_vars # compute average price measures
subsidized_residential_developer # build residential buildings