Credits: Kaan Doğan @mkaand
Filtering some strings for IP Camera - 01.08.2017
This script automatically filters Alarm Records of IP Camera.
Some IP Cameras can records alarms and program to SD cards and records like this format:
A170801_115044_115059.264 01-Aug-2017 11:50 795.0k
P170801_000000_001006.264 01-Aug-2017 00:10 14.9M
P170801_001006_002012.264 01-Aug-2017 00:20 15.0M
A means motion detect P means programmed records.
This code can filters and shows only A records and you can seek previous day and next day.
Just change baseurl. You can declare your username, camera port and password:
You need to change this line with your current year:
For 2017:
if (strpos($arrayItem, 'A17') !== false) {
For 2018:
if (strpos($arrayItem, 'A18') !== false) {
That's it!
Original / Filtered Screenshots: