PostgreSQL Database API for maps and visualizations using PostGIS, NodeJS, and Express
Imagine you want to make a web-based map from data you have stored in an in-house database. The dataset is really big, meaning you can't show it all at once or you will crash your browser, and you don't feel comfortable putting it onto CartoDB, like we went over in the previous session. There are a couple of ways to do this. One, you can use PHP, but that can be alot of work. Two, you could use NodeJS and set up your server to run JavaScript! Node will run on your server, meaning queries will be really fast, you can pass variables and data from the client to the server and back again, and you won't be exposing your credentials to the client. This exercise will set up a rudimentary service using Express, a NodeJS Framework, that you can expand to your own application.
What? Set up a Leaflet map or D3 visualization to run from dynamically delivered data. Why? Allows for event-driven I/O and http calls. Allows for server-side JavaScript for database connections and front end integration.
Objectives of this Tutorial
In this tutorial, we will set up a web application that connects to a Postgres database, query that database and return the results of that query as a GeoJSON format. Then we will pass the data to the client to be viewed in a Leaflet webmap.
This arrangement will allow us to store data in Postgres and run spatial queries on the data using PostGIS, then passes on the dataset in JSON form to our client for display. Think of it as a rudimentary API.
First, we need data to map. Let's use the Cambridge Coffee Shop dataset that we've used in previous exercises. Instead of using CartoDB, we are going to use our own installation of PostgreSQL.
Open up QGIS and connect to your local instance of Postgres.
Load cambridge_coffee_shops into PostGIS. The recommended route for this is to load your data into QGIS, save a copy of your dataset in WGS84 coordinate system, the use the Database Manager to import your data into PostGIS.
Create a table in your database called cambridge_coffee_shops. The following will be built off of this database table as an example.
For more detailed instructions on loading data, see the Setting up PostGIS tutorial. Coming Soon.
Note here the credentials of your database. You are going to need the database credentials to connect to your database in later steps. If you are using localhost, use your local credentials, if using a database server, use those credentials.
NodeJS is an event-driven I/O server-side JavaScript environment that allows for JavaScript to operate on the server. In practice, for us, when you install on your development or production server, it allows a more seamless interface with your backend, allowing for connections to databases, creation of APIs, and data-driven maps and visualizations.
A NodeJS app has the basic following workflow.
- Import required modules − We use require directive to load a Node.js module.
- Create server − A server which will listen to client's request similar to Apache HTTP Server.
- Read request and return response − server created in earlier step will read HTTP request made by client which can be a browser or console and return the response. With these requests, various tasks can run. This can be page creation, content manipulation, database queries, and the creation of maps or visualizations.
To install Node, download it from the Downloads page on the NodeJS homepage. Choose the operating system you are working on. You can install the most current version.
As soon as the NodeJS program is started, it is acting as a server. It initiates its variables, declares functions and then waits for event to occur. These events are triggered by the user or actions on the page.
Try a basic node tutorial to see how this works, if you are curious. Some of the following are great.
ExpressJS is a framework package that streamlines the NodeJS development process and provides a ‘server-like’ setup on the backend. When we say "framework", think along the lines of Wordpress, but for application development. It will create a folder template for us to use, set up our Node server and JavaScript files for us, and give us a location in which we can create content. We can then go in and customize as we see fit for our application.
The NodeJS ecosystem has many packages, or modules. Packages are software that makes usage of NodeJS easier or enables different functionality in a NodeJS ecosystem. For example, there are packages for managing plugins, installing libraries, and creating frameworks. NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager that makes it easy to install and work with packages when working with NodeJS.
Using NPM, install Express and Express Generator. In Terminal, use NPM to install Express by typing the following
npm install express
npm install express-generator
If this doesn't work, you might need to use sudo and try again. Express will come with a handful of different items when it installs. One of these is Jade (or now, Pug). This is a templating engine that we will use to create our webpage. Borrowing from a fantastic post on mapping with Node, Leaflet, and MongoDB by John McCrae, here is some basic terminology:
- app.js: the main NodeJS application driver
- bin folder: internal workings
- package.json – handles dependencies
- public: this is for web content, and is the location for images, javascripts and stylesheets
- routes: Kind of like a switchboard, routes handle and direct page requests
- view: This is where HTML output is constructed. The default is to use the Jade(Pug) templating engine.
Make a directory for your project files. In terminal, change your working directory (cd) to this project folder. Here we will create our web application and set up all of our files. Once you are in your project folder, create a new project and give it a name. Since we are connecting to Postgres, let's call it pg_mapper. In terminal, in your project folder, run the following command to create your NodeJS project.
express pg_mapper
This will create your folder structure and required files based on the Express framework.
cd (change directory) into the project using:
cd pg_mapper
You are now in your project directory! In a Finder window, take a look at the folder structure for your project. You'll see the app.js file, along with the other files and folders that come with Express.
Next, since NodeJS is JavaScript, we can set up a JSON that outlines our dependencies for the project. Dependencies will be items like the NodeJS Postgres Package, that allows us to connect to Postgres, or other packages. This is all setup in the package.json file. NodeJS will navigate the JSON and install our packages according to what it finds. This helps us keep our packages straight.
For this project, our package.json file should look like the following.
"name": "pg_mapper",
"version": "0.0.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"start": "node ./bin/www"
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "~1.13.2",
"cookie-parser": "~1.3.5",
"debug": "~2.2.0",
"express": "~4.13.1",
"jade": "~1.11.0",
"morgan": "~1.6.1",
"serve-favicon": "~2.3.0",
"pg": "*"
The dependencies property contains all of the packages we want to install. Notable is the pg package, which installs Postgres.
Note: In 2016, Jade is being renamed to Pug, and the Jade language is currently being refactored. This will be updated when Pug is ready, for now, use Jade.
Save your package.json file in your project folder.
To install the dependencies outlined in the package.json file, in your project folder, run the NPM install command. This will run through your JSON and install all of the packages included in the dependencies property.
npm install
To test your application, in your project folder (i.e. the base level that contains app.js), start your application using:
npm start
Navigate then to http://localhost:3000. You should see a basic 'Welcome to Express' page. If so, you are in business and we have a working application!
Stop your Node Server in terminal using CTRL-C.
Now, let's connect to our data and make a map.
Navigate to the routes folder and find the index.js file. This is our server side JavaScript. Here we can set up a connection to the database, and using the Express router, create our HTTP requests, GET, PUT, etc. In this example, we are going to use GET requests, and filter data by passing a variable from the client to the server.
Our goal, in this file, is to perform the following.
- Call required Node packages and libraries. Should already be installed
- Set up the Database connection credentials string
- Write a SQL query to get our data from PostGIS. Query return should be in the form of GeoJSON
Our index.js file should look like the following.
var express = require('express'); // require Express
var router = express.Router(); // setup usage of the Express router engine
/* PostgreSQL and PostGIS module and connection setup */
var pg = require("pg"); // require Postgres module
var conString = "postgres://username:password@localhost/databasename"; // Your Database Connection
// Set up your database query to display GeoJSON
var coffee_query = "SELECT row_to_json(fc) FROM ( SELECT 'FeatureCollection' As type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) As features FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type, ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geom)::json As geometry, row_to_json((id, name)) As properties FROM cambridge_coffee_shops As lg) As f) As fc";
/* GET home page. */
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('index', { title: 'Express' });
module.exports = router;
The coffee shop query is important in this step. Here we query our database, and set up a JSON from the return. The query looks like the following:
SELECT row_to_json(fc) FROM ( SELECT 'FeatureCollection' As type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) As features FROM ( SELECT 'Feature' As type, ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geom)::json As geometry, row_to_json((id, name)) As properties FROM cambridge_coffee_shops As lg ) As f ) As fc
Visit the PostGIS documentation site for further details on the specific SQL language details.
Our database connection has been made. Next, we need to set up the routes to route to our individual pages.
To give you an idea of what is happening in routes and in index.js, let's setup a basic API grab. We can test our work so far by outputting a JSON element to the browser.
In the index.js, at the end of the document, set up a GET request using the Express router. This will display a JSON on our screen when we start our application and navigate to the site.
/* GET Postgres JSON data */
router.get('/data', function (req, res) {
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
var query = client.query(coffee_query);
query.on("row", function (row, result) {
query.on("end", function (result) {
Note that it requests a page named data, then in the request, connects to PostgreSQL, runs a query, adds the rows in the query return to a object named result, then sends the result to the page.
Save your index.js and run npm start to start your application back up.
npm start
Navigate in your browser to http://localhost:3000/data and you should see the following.
It is a GeoJSON of our cambridge_coffee_shops table!
Ctrl-C to stop your server, now we can create the map of the this data.
Setting up our map involves creating the router request for our map page, connecting to our database, running the query on our database and returning a properly formatted JSON object, saving that object as a variable, and then rendering the map, passing the JSON object to the client to display.
In the index.js file, input the following. It creates a router request for our map.
/* GET the map page */
router.get('/map', function(req, res) {
var client = new pg.Client(conString); // Setup our Postgres Client
client.connect(); // connect to the client
var query = client.query(coffee_query); // Run our Query
query.on("row", function (row, result) {
// Pass the result to the map page
query.on("end", function (result) {
var data = result.rows[0].row_to_json // Save the JSON as variable data
res.render('map', {
title: "Express API", // Give a title to our page
jsonData: data // Pass data to the View
Okay. Alot happened here, but it is actually very similar to how we created our JSON file that we displayed on our page. The difference is, on the end of the query we save our JSON as a variable named data, then we render our page, passing the data to our rendered page. We can refer to the data variable in our page at anytime by referencing:
!{jsonData} // our variable passed from index.js to our web page document
in the scripts in our page. This is powerful, as we can encode in the index.js the exact components we want to go to the client. Beyond that, all of our code in the index.js file stays on the server.
Save your index.js file. Now we need to create a page, or in Express terms, a 'View' for our map.
Using Jade (and soon, PUG!), write up a simple map application. The code looks like the following.
extends layout
block content
var myData = !{JSON.stringify(jsonData)};
// Create variable to hold map element, give initial settings to map
var map ='map',{ center: [42.375562, -71.106870], zoom: 14});
// Add OpenStreetMap tile layer to map element
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap'
// Add JSON to map
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
Save this as map.jade in the views folder.
In your project folder, we are ready to go. Run:
npm start
and we have started up our application!
Navigate in your browser to http://localhost:3000/map. You should see our map... and our dataset!
CTRL-C to stop your server.
Next, lets add some filtering to our map. Say, for example, you want to see only the 'Starbucks' locations of our coffee shop dataset. Let’s add a form input to our map.jade file. Set up the action property on our form to call a new Router request we can create in the index.js, called filter.
Our code will look like the following:
extends layout
block content
option(disabled='', selected='', value='') Select One...
option(value='Starbucks') Starbucks
option(value='1369 Coffee House') 1369 Coffee House
input(type='submit', value='Submit')
var myData = !{JSON.stringify(jsonData)};
// Create variable to hold map element, give initial settings to map
var map ='map',{ center: [42.375562, -71.106870], zoom: 14});
// Add OpenStreetMap tile layer to map element
L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap' }).addTo(map);
// Add JSON to map
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
Next, we need to create a new route in the index.js that can hold a new query, passing the user input to the query. This is very similar to our other router requests. Because we set our form action to be filter, the new path should be called 'filter'.
We are prepping a query for database! We need to be careful though, because a web savvy visitor could send a statement to our database that modifies or deletes our data, so we want to make sure that users don't send malicious queries to our database. This is called a SQL injection attack. One way we can do this is controlling our inputs by using a dropdown, but this is still not sufficient, so we should do a check on the query. Simple input check can prevent many attacks, so add the check in our index.js to make sure the query is friendly. See this article for a good overview and a summary of things to check for that might be malicious.
Here is our code:
/* GET the filtered page */
router.get('/filter*', function (req, res) {
var name =;
if (name.indexOf("--") > -1 || name.indexOf("'") > -1 || name.indexOf(";") > -1 || name.indexOf("/*") > -1 || name.indexOf("xp_") > -1){
console.log("Bad request detected");
} else {
console.log("Request passed")
var filter_query = "SELECT row_to_json(fc) FROM ( SELECT 'FeatureCollection' As type, array_to_json(array_agg(f)) As features FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type, ST_AsGeoJSON(lg.geom)::json As geometry, row_to_json((id, name)) As properties FROM cambridge_coffee_shops As lg WHERE = \'" + name + "\') As f) As fc";
var client = new pg.Client(conString);
var query = client.query(filter_query);
query.on("row", function (row, result) {
query.on("end", function (result) {
var data = result.rows[0].row_to_json
res.render('map', {
title: "Express API",
jsonData: data
Again, this is similar to the other requests, hoever this time, we want a new query to run, one that takes the input from the client.
Save your index.js file, and use npm start to start up your app again. You should see the following, with an dropdown form and submit at the top. Change the dropdown to 'Starbucks' and hit submit. It will run the 'filter' request, returning your map with only the selected coffee shops!
Consider some next steps to expand this and check out our Leaflet map built with PostGIS/NodeJS/Express!
This example is rudimentary, for sure, but you can see the value of using NodeJS and Express, along with PostGIS, in conjunction with Leaflet for web mapping. If you have a really big dataset, you only want to pass pieces of it to the client, not all of it. This can be a way that you can connect to big datasets and then filter.
A copy of all of the source code for this project is on Github in the Web Map Workshop repository, along with a JSON of the dataset.