This tool was created to aid in the facilitation of ScreenLife Capture studies. It was developed using Electron, and to be run through Electron directly.
- Knowledge on using the version-control tool Git.
- Basic knowledge on using
- Clone this repository to your local device using the Git GUI tool. Go to "Clone Existing Repository", set the source location as "" and a "Target Directory" (e.g. folder) of your choice.
- Open Windows Powershell and set the working directory to the folder in which the DMPO is stored. Instructions can be found here.
- Use the command
npm install
to install dependencies. - Use the command
npm start
orelectron .
to start the program.
Note: Please ensure that the bucket_key.json and settings.json files have been included and updated in your DMPO folder.
The censoring-scripts
folder needs to be in the same folder as this repository, as demonstrated below:
- censoring-scripts
If this folder is not detected, automated censoring options will not be present in the DMPO software.
The cloud function for uploading files now makes a second copy of each, which are then picked up by a file watcher and
decrypted to another bucket in the cloud. To do this the onboarding process must upload the encryption keys to a secure bucket.
In default-settings.json
you will see:
"javaPath": "C:/jdk-15.0.1/bin/java.exe",
"projectId": "fill in projectID here",
"bucketId": "fill in bucket ID here",
"keyBucket": "separate bucket to store key files"
Fill in your key storage bucket name in keyBucket
Before following any of the below, read completely, then start by installing nvm
. Here is a handy install guide for it:
The install script contains the following:
@setlocal enableextensions
@cd /d "%~dp0"
move jdk- C:\
echo npm start > run.bat
nvm install 18.2.0 x64
nvm use 18.2.0
npm install
echo done
This will copy the Java JDK from <working-folder>/ND_DMPO/jdk-
to your root folder.
Change this name if you have a different version. Newer ones can be downloaded from
Then is creates a simple startup script you can double click to run instead of invoking npm start
from the command line.