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This is an autotools-based build system to build and install routines from the Harwell Subroutine Library (HSL). This installation of HSL routines is used by some other COIN-OR projects, in particular Ipopt.

For use by COIN-OR, STFC provides special packages at

which can be build independently or within the buildsystem in this directory.


  • HSL routines require a Fortran compiler. Some of them are written in Fortran 77, others in Fortran 90.

  • MA57, HSL_MA77, and HSL_MA86 require BLAS, HSL_MA97 requires LAPACK. configure will look for a LAPACK installation (and assume that it includes BLAS), but if that does not succeed, the flags to link with LAPACK should be specified with the --with-lapack-lflags argument of configure.

  • MA57, HSL_MA77, HSL_MA97, and MC68 can use METIS. configure will look for a METIS library and header, but if that does not succeed, the arguments --with-metis-lflags and --with-metis-cflags can be specified for configure.

    Both Metis 4 and Metis 5 can be used with ThirdParty-HSL.

Installation steps

  1. Obtain an archive with HSL source code from

    Note: It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that you are entitled to download and use this third party package.

  2. Unpack this archive via

    gunzip coinhsl-x.y.z.tar.gz
    tar xf coinhsl-x.y.z.tar
  3. Rename the directory coinhsl-x.y.z to coinhsl, or set a symbolic link:

    ln -s coinhsl-x.y.z coinhsl
  4. Run ./configure. Use ./configure --help to see available options.

    The configure script will detect which source files are available in your coinhsl package and prepare the Makefile accordingly.

    Note, that in difference to previous versions of ThirdParty-HSL, the configure script now checks for the HSL routines in subdirectories as they are given in the coinhsl-x.y.z.tar.gz archive.

  5. Run make to build the HSL library (namestem coinhsl).

  6. Run make install to install the HSL library and header files.