Windows complex application.
- Collaboration
- All previously studied things
- Create an application which has:
- Child windows controls
- GDI animation
- Animation should be controlled by controls
- Work on this project in a team of 2-4 (2 pt)
- Divide tasks and describe them in readme (for each task indicate who is responsible for it) (1 pt)
- Make it useful (you may ask me to evaluate usefulness of your application idea) (0-3 pt)
- First create a sketch, then work on code (1 pt) (commit sketches early)
- Create a mockup
- Create class BattleGrid
- Create AI for BattleGrid
- Implement Drawing the grid with ships (enemy / friend)
- Implement attacking the enemy
- Implement randomizer of the ships on grid
- Create the bitmaps for the ships
- Implement attacking the capitan-bumbu
The application is usefull for killeing time. Besides the classic game features it has something special. And this is that there is a cell where your capitan is. An if you hit the capitan you win the game instantly. :D
The laboratory work was very interesting because we worked in a team. Due to the lack of free time the process of program creation took a little more time than expected.
The encountered problems were solved also in the team, and improved a lot the whole productivity, so the process was more motivating. The task management was very useful and worked like a charm for us.
The team consisted of : Eugen Ungureanu, Mihai Iachimovschi, Serigu Terman.
If the bmps are not displayed, you should change in WM_CREATE, the LoadImage functions' path names by adding "../" at the beginning.