- San Francisco Bay Area
- https://mirkomantovani.com
Formal Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems project - Politecnico di Milano - group project
TeX UpdatedJul 2, 2019 -
Travlendar-plus Public
Software Engineering II project - web application in J2EE framework and documentation (RASD, DD) . Apache Derby Relational Database, JPA, Servlets, JSP. JUnit and Mockito testing
Chicago-RealTime-AQ Public
Shiny app in R which displays live Air Quality and weather data in the Chicago area integrating different R APIs to query the data in Real-Time
Shiny App in R, second project for CS 424 at University of Illinois at Chicago. Interactive Visualizations web app to display US Air Quality data. Leaflet, ggplot
BubbleVR Public
Final project for CS 491 Virtual and Augmented Reality at University of Illinois at Chicago. Cross platform Virtual Reality Game inspired by the Rebubbled flash game series: http://www.rebubbled.com/
C# UpdatedApr 28, 2019 -
Fatal-Gunshots-USA-d3 Public
Interactive visualization of the fatal gunshots occurred in the USA in 2013 with d3.js
Computational fluid flow simulation dataset from the San Diego Supercomputing Center visualization in Three.js, d3.js
VisualAnalytics-JustBreathe Public
Shiny App in R, first project for CS 424 at University of Illinois at Chicago
UncommonHacks-MemeSearch Public
Uncommon Hacks hackaton project. This project allows to people to search for memes by using keywords included in the text of the Meme images
web-search-engine-UIC Public
CS 582 Information Retrieval at University of Illinois at Chicago. Multithreaded crawling of UIC domain, inverted index, page rank, SEO with Context Pseudo-Relevance Feedback
Final project for IDS 561 Big Data Analytics at University of Illinois at Chicago, Instagram search engine based on Biography, built using Apache Spark with Python
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 9, 2018 -
Final project for CS 412 Machine Learning at University of Illinois at Chicago
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedDec 7, 2018 -
AR-Eat-it Public
First project on Augmented Reality for CS 491 Virtual and Augmented Reality at University of Illinois at Chicago
C# UpdatedNov 17, 2018 -
page-rank-word-graph Public
Homework for Information Retrieval course of Illinois at Chicago
Python UpdatedNov 17, 2018 -
MatrixCalculatorWear Public
Android Wear App to do matrix computation, circular UI designed for Moto 360 Smartwatch
HTML UpdatedNov 17, 2018 -
VR-every-day-is-halloween Public
Virtual Reality funhouse in halloween theme for project 2 of course CS 491 at University of Illinois at Chicago
badminton Public
Social Network for badminton players, tournaments and clubs - PHP, mysql
PHP UpdatedJul 4, 2018 -
Kaggle challenge for Santader
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 28, 2018 -
Lorenzo-Il-Magnifico Public
Software Engineering I project - Multiclient-server online PC-based board game Lorenzo Il Magnifico in Java 8, swing GUI, sockets & RMI networking
DMTM-project-BIP Public
Sales forecast model with Machine Learning pipeline, Data Mining and Text Mining course at Politecnico di Milano - CS 583 at University of Illinois at Chicago - in collaboration with Business Integ…
MJM Clinic - web application in node.js