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Renovate #15

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: Run Renovate
# Allows you to run this workflow manually from the Actions tab
# Run at midnight UTC Monday morning
- cron: '0 0 * * 1'
# Push on main branch if needed for rebasing from PRs.
# push:
# branches: main
# Run when there is an update to a PR. This will cleanup branches, and rebase PRs after merges.
# Couple with the "IF" field on the job to limit to updates of the 'renovate/' branches.
- closed
- edited
- reopened
# Requires docker, so we run on a node that is tagged with docker.
# runs-on: [ docker ]
runs-on: [ docker ]
# Coupled with pull_request_target, to only execute when PR is from a renovate branch
if: github.head_ref == '' || startsWith(github.head_ref, 'renovate/')
# Execute within the context of the renovate image
image: renovate/renovate:latest
# Execute using the renovate action
- name: Renovate!
github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Limit Number of active renovate PRs. Default: unlimited
# pr-concurrency: 3
# Limit number of PRs per hour to create. Helpful to slow roll renovate into a repo. Default: unlimited
# pr-hour-limit: 2
# Change when any PRs are generated. Default every Monday
# Update to Tuesdays
# update-schedule: 'on the second day of the week'
# Always create PRs.
update-schedule: ''
# Automatically adds 1 approving PR to any generated renovate PRs.
# Can be useful when 2 approving reviews are required.
pr-auto-approve: true
# User and token used to create approving review.
# Required when pr-auto-approve is true.
# github-approver-token: ${{ secrets.SECP_SASEPORTALDEV_GH_TOKEN }}
# github-approver-user: saseportaldev
package-rules: |-
{ "matchPackagePatterns":[".*"], "matchUpdateTypes":["minor","patch"], "automerge":true }
shell: bash

Check failure on line 68 in .github/workflows/renovatebot.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Run Renovate

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/renovatebot.yml (Line: 68, Col: 15): Unexpected value 'shell' .github/workflows/renovatebot.yml (Line: 69, Col: 15): Unexpected value 'run'
run: renovate --dry-run --log-file renovate.log --log-file-level debug --autodiscover-filter 'test/*'