The Addressing Register holds information about various Health Data endpoints that are available for fetching the metadata. The information of the Addressing Register should be enough for the Timeline Service or the Health application to fetch the actual metadata.
This project and all associated code serve solely as documentation and demonstration purposes to illustrate potential system communication patterns and architectures.
This codebase:
- Is NOT intended for production use
- Does NOT represent a final specification
- Should NOT be considered feature-complete or secure
- May contain errors, omissions, or oversimplified implementations
- Has NOT been tested or hardened for real-world scenarios
The code examples are only meant to help understand concepts and demonstrate possibilities.
By using or referencing this code, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and that the authors assume no liability for any consequences of its use.
The application is a FastAPI application, so you can use the FastAPI documentation to see how to use the application.
You can either run the application natively or in a docker container. If you want to run the application natively you
can take a look at the initialisation steps in docker/
The preferred way to run the application is through docker.
If you run Linux, make sure you export your user ID and group ID to synchronize permissions with the Docker user.
export NEW_UID=$(id -u)
export NEW_GID=$(id -g)
After this you can simply run docker compose up
The application will be available at https://localhost:8502 when the startup is completed.
Database schema:
string ura_number
string data_domain
string endpoint
string request_type
json parameters
uuid id PK
boolean active
string name
string description
string parent_organization_id
timestamp created_at
timestamp modified_at
uuid id PK
string code
string definition
string display
timestamp created_at
timestamp modified_at
uuid id PK
string code
string definition
string display
timestamp created_at
timestamp modified_at