pip install wcm
WINGS Component Manager is a cli utility to publish
and download
WINGS component to a WINGS instance.
$ wcm --help
Usage: wcm [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
-v, --verbose
--help Show this message and exit.
configure Configure credentials
download Download a component from the wings server.
init Initialize a directory for a new component.
list Lists all the components in the current wings instance
publish Deploy the pacakge to the wcm.
version Show wcm version.
The configure
sub command is used to setup credentials used by wcm
to interact with WINGS server(s).
$ wcm configure --help
Usage: wcm configure [OPTIONS]
Configure credentials
-p, --profile <profile-name>
--help Show this message and exit.
The init
sub command is used to initialze a new WINGS component on the file-system.
$ wcm init --help
Usage: wcm init [OPTIONS] [COMPONENT]
Initialize a directory for a new component.
-y, --yes
--help Show this message and exit.
The publish
sub command publishes a component to a WINGS server.
$ wcm publish --help
Usage: wcm publish [OPTIONS] [COMPONENT]
Deploy the pacakge to the wcm.
-d, --debug / -nd, --no-debug
-n, --dry-run
--help Show this message and exit.
The download
sub command will download a component from the current wings server.
$ wcm download --help
Usage: wcm download [OPTIONS] COMPONENT_ID
Download a component from wings server. Data stored in .yaml file and source code downloaded to folder within same directory. file-path can be specified to download into a specific directory
-p, --profile <profile-name>
-f, --file-path TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
The list
sub command lists all the component's names from the current wings server
$ wcm list --help
Usage: wcm list [OPTIONS]
Lists all the components in the current wings instance
-p, --profile <profile-name>
--help Show this message and exit.
Once wcm is installed, configure your credentials to use a wings server
C:\Users\Admin>wcm configure
WINGS Export URL: http://localhost:8080
WINGS User: myUsername
WINGS Password:
WINGS Domain: wings-domain
Now you can begin using wcm. First list the components on the wings instance you specified on the credentials
C:\Users\Admin>wcm list
├─ economic-v6
├─ economictest-v5
├─ economicnodata-v6
├─ economic-different-data-v6
└─ economicwcmtest
├─ HAND-1
├─ hand_final-v1
├─ hand-v1
└─ handnodata-v1.0.1
Next, you can download one of these components. Let's choose economic-v6. First you need to navigate into the directory you want to download the component to. Alternatively you could also use the -f argument to specify a filepath for the component to be downloaded to
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\down>wcm download economic-v5
2019-08-13 14:52:02,082 root INFO Downloading component
2019-08-13 14:52:02,226 root INFO Generated YAML
2019-08-13 14:52:02,256 root INFO Download complete
Download complete
When you download a component it comes in three parts. The wings-component.yaml file which stores the components data. The src folder which stores the sorce code. And the data folder, which at the moment is just a placeholder
After downloading the economic-v5 component, you may edit some of the source code. To upload a new version (6.1 in the example), use the publish command
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\down>wcm publish economic-v6.1
2019-08-13 15:04:08,540 root INFO Publishing component
Now lets check the list command to make sure it was published
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\down>wcm list
├─ economic-v6
├─ economictest-v5
├─ economicnodata-v6
├─ economic-different-data-v6
├─ economicwcmtest
└─ economic-v6.1
├─ HAND-1
├─ hand_final-v1
├─ hand-v1
└─ handnodata-v1.0.1
And now the economic-v6.1 component has been uploaded to WINGS