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Alien Invasion

Mad​ aliens​ are​ about​ to​ invade​ the​ earth​ and​ you​ are​ tasked​ with​ simulating​ the invasion.

You​ are​ given​ a map​ containing​ the​ names​ of​ cities​ in​ the​ non-existent​ world​ of X.​ The​ map​ is​ in​ a file,​ with​ one​ city​ per​ line.​ The​ city​ name​ is​ first, followed​ by​ 1-4​ directions​ (north,​ south,​ east,​ or​ west).​ Each​ one​ represents​ a road​ to​ another​ city​ that​ lies​ in​ that​ direction. For​ example:

Foo​ north=Bar​ west=Baz​ south=Qu-ux
Bar​ south=Foo​ west=Bee

The​ city​ and​ each​ of​ the​ pairs​ are​ separated​ by​ a single​ space,​ and​ the directions​ are​ separated​ from​ their​ respective​ cities​ with​ an​ equals​ (=)​ sign.

You​ should​ create​ N aliens,​ where​ N is​ specified​ as​ a command-line​ argument. These​ aliens​ start​ at​ random​ places​ on​ the​ map,​ and​ wander​ around​ randomly, following​ links.​ At each​ iteration,​ the​ aliens​ can​ travel​ in​ any​ of​ the​ directions leading​ out​ of​ a city.​ In​ our​ example​ above,​ an​ alien​ that​ starts​ at​ Foo​ can​ go north​ to​ Bar,​ west​ to​ Baz,​ or​ south​ to​ Qu-ux. When​ two​ aliens​ end​ up​ in​ the​ same​ place,​ they​ fight,​ and​ in​ the​ process​ kill each​ other​ and​ destroy​ the​ city.​ When​ a city​ is​ destroyed,​ it​ is​ removed​ from the​ map,​ and​ so​ are​ any​ roads​ that​ lead​ into​ or​ out​ of​ it. In​ our​ example​ above,​ if​ Bar​ were​ destroyed​ the​ map​ would​ now​ be​:

Foo​ west=Baz​ south=Qu-ux

Once​ a city​ is​ destroyed,​ aliens​ can​ no​ longer​ travel​ to​ or​ through​ it.​ This may​ lead​ to​ aliens​ getting​ "trapped".

You​ should​ create​ a program​ that​

  • reads​​ the​ world​ map,​
  • creates​ N aliens,​
  • Unleashes​ the aliens.​
  • Run​ until​ all​ the​ aliens​ have​ been destroyed,​ or​ each​ alien​ has​ moved​ at​ least​ 10,000​ times.​

When​ two​ aliens fight,​ print​ out​ a message​ like:

Bar​ has​ been​ destroyed​ by​ alien​ 10​ and​ alien​ 34!

(If​ you​ want​ to​ give​ the aliens names,​ you​ may,​ but​ it​ is​ not​ required.)​

Once​ the program​ has​ finished,​ it​ should​ print​ out​ whatever​ is​ left​ of​ the​ world​ in​ the same​ format​ as​ the​ input​ file.

Feel​ free​ to​ make​ assumptions​ (for​ example,​ that​ the​ city​ names​ will​ never contain​ numeric​ characters),​ but​ please​ add​ comments​ or​ assertions​ describing the​ assumptions​ you​ are​ making.


For an example input file check this one.

Check the help from the command line for how to use it, here is an example

dist |> ./alieninvasion 
Simulate an alien invasion

  alieninvasion [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  run         A brief description of your command
  version     print the program version

      --debug     Enable debug output
  -h, --help      help for alieninvasion

Use "alieninvasion [command] --help" for more information about a command.


to build the project, from a terminal, run:

git clone
cd alieninvasion

Run the test using make test

Run the build using make build, the binary files are stored in the dist folder buy default


Alien invasion coding task






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