Simple Rust API for Cloudflare's R2 and OVH Object Storage (possibly others as well but not tested) with create_bucket, delete_bucket and upload, get, delete file operations. Production ready since it's a thin layer above AWS SDK S3. Updated to be using latest versions.
cloudflare-r2-rs = "0.6.8"
let r2_manager = R2Manager::new(
//Bucket Name
//Cloudflare URI endpoint
//API Token's Access Key ID
//API Token's Secret Access Key
let _r2_manager2 = R2Manager::new_with_region(
//Gives control to set Cache-Control header and Content-Type header
r2_manager.upload("test", b"Hello world", Some("max-age=60"), Some("text/plain")).await;
let bytes = r2_manager.get("test").await.unwrap();
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap());