A mikros framework protoc/buf plugin to extend features for services and applications.
The plugin adds the following features for generated source code:
- New entities for domain, inbound and outbound messages.
- Validation for wire input messages.
- HTTP server routes for HTTP services.
- Unit test helpers API for creating entities.
- The possibility of extending the plugin using addons.
In order to compile and install the plugin locally you'll need to follow the steps:
- Install the go compiler;
- Execute the commands:
go generate
go build && go install
The plugin should be used according your environment, if you're using buf
. It does not need any mandatory option to execute over your proto files.
But, if you want to use custom settings, the option named settings must point to a valid TOML file in your system. Its syntax details are described here.
Using the extensions inside a .proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
package services.person;
import "protoc-gen-mikros-extensions/mikros/extensions/extensions.proto";
option go_package = "github.com/example/services/gen/go/services/person;person;";
service PersonService {
rpc CreatePerson(CreatePersonRequest) returns (CreatePersonResponse);
message CreatePersonRequest {
string name = 1;
int32 age = 2;
message CreatePersonResponse {
PersonWire person = 1;
message PersonWire {
string id = 1;
string name = 2;
int32 age = 3;
For a more complete example, check the examples directory.