DIY electromechanical bicycle rear derailleur + control software project
Idea & motivation for this project is to explore and try to recreate the recent innovations in bicycle technology by combining the cheapest off-shelf bicycle derailleur (Shimano RD-TX31B) with a affordable microcontroller (Arduino Nano). Targeted total cost for final build is around 50 euros, while the commercially made systems can be bought starting from ~1100 eur.
Hardware preparation and individual component testing is mostly done in wee hours because family, hence the name "Night shift".
The basic idea is to create a compact backbone or "shield" to connect the sub-systems and Arduino Nano together. For the clean result, the backbone/Arduino plus the battery pack are designed to be installed inside the bicycle's seat post.
This repository has the following structure:
Semi-ordered folders of misc. build pics:
- Build pics/
- Control buttons/
- Hall sensor/
- Nano-Backbone/
- Rear derailleur related/
Schematics to build subsystems:
- Fritzing/
General materials/ideas/datasheets folder:
- Materiaali/
- datasheets/
- examples/
Software (arduino firmware & control software):
- Säätösofta/
- NightShift/
- NightShift_control/
As always, I'm standing on the shoulders of giants. There are some people & other parties involved and without you I just couldn't pull this thing off.
- My wife & the terrible three (=my lovely kids)
- Mr J.C. for kindly arranging the things in the big picture & keeping the perspective correct
- My employee (for arranging Hackathon -event & monthly funding of my hobbies via paycheck!)
- The nice guy at local electronics shop
- Internet search engine(s)