This is the back-end Django application for scraping ballot measure funding data (from NetFile and CalAccess), pushing it to our database, and exposing the data to our front-end apps via a RESTful API.
Helpful links:
- How to contribute - links to the overall app technical design and status, as well as information on how to contribute ocde.
- Adding your city - How to test and add your city's disclosure information to this app.
- Example Dataset - This is a sample Form 460 for Oakland. If you want to dive into the data, please check this out!
See below for server setup.
Mock-ups for data tables that this app intends to support are here:
If you've worked with Django and python before, these steps should be familiar to you. We're going to create an environment with Python 2.7.9 for the project
- Clone
(or your fork of it) to your own local copy. - Install
(if using Anaconda, pip is already installed) - Create an environment for this project:
For non-Anaconda Python distribution
sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenv env source env/bin/activate
For Anaconda (we'll make an environment called ODB with Python 2.7.9 in it)
conda create --name ODB python=2.7.9 source activate ODB
(you will have to activate this environment (or virtualenv) every time you want to start working)
- Install mysql and other system dependencies
brew install mysql
brew install libssl
brew install graphviz
- When prompted for a password, remember it because you'll need it.
- Install project requirements with:
pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
- Create the database
mysql -p --user root
mysql> create database opendisclosure;
mysql> create database calaccess_raw;
mysql> \q
- Create
DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = '' # replace with your password.
DATABASES['calaccess_raw']['PASSWORD'] = '' # replace with your password.
Change the password field to the password you chose when you installed MySQL.
- Run the server setup script
python setuptestserver
This will run database migrations, add a superuser (username: admin
, password: admin
and other setup steps.
OSX: If you get the following error django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Error loading MySQLdb module: dlopen(, 2): Library not loaded: libssl.1.0.0.dylib
Then, you need to add openssl to your DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Go to
, and locate your directory (e.g. 1.0.2d_1) - Add the following to your
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/openssl/1.0.2d_1/lib
python test
It should load and clean some files in a few seconds.
Note: if this fails with an SSL error and you are using conda/miniconda, use virtualenv instead. See this link for details about the conda issue.
A basic data check to make sure things are working:
python downloadcalaccessrawdata --use-test-data
python downloadzipcodedata
Netfile contains campaign finance data for a number of jurisdictions. Not all jurisdictions will have data.
# Download netfile data and load into calaccess_raw.NETFILE_CAL201_TRANSACTION
python downloadnetfilerawdata
# Process NETFILE_CAL201_TRANSACTION into opendisclosure
python xformnetfilerawdata
Cal-Access is the state data. It's ~750MB of data and takes over an hour to trim, clean and process.
python downloadcalaccessrawdata
To run for the purposes of development, accessing Django's admin interface:
python runserver
Then go to to log in and see data.
For deployment to the official website:
ssh /usr/local/bin/deploy-backend