A living data compilation of IMF slope measurements, replicating and extending the "Alpha-plot" of Scalo 1998 Kroupa 2002. The data are in alphaplot.csv which is editable in any spreedsheet editor (e.g. Excel, Sheets, Calc). The plot appears in the Hennebelle & Grudic 2024 ARAA review, which is the preferred citation for the compilation work. Please remember to cite respective authors for their individual data.
This comes with no guarantee of completeness - apologies if your data have been left out. This is intended to be a living compilation supported by the community.
This also comes with no guarantee of homogeneity - we are simply reporting the inferred IMF slopes reported by different authors in a given mass interval.
If you open the PDF version you can click on the datapoints and it will take you to the ADS page!
We strongly encourage the community to assist in maintaining this compilation. If you would like to add an IMF measurement, please
- Branch this repository.
- Edit the spreadsheet alphaplot.csv with your new data, filling in as many fields as are available.
- Commit and push changes to your branch and issue a pull request to this repository's main branch, and I will review and implement the changes.
At present the compilation only contains IMF slopes measured in specific mass ranges. Many studies also report constraints on the log-normal Chabrier characteristic mass and sigma, so it would be great to have a compilation of those too.