Just add global extension "ScriptPlayer", and run the program with a command line parameter: "Myapp.exe ScriptPlayer=Myscript.xml" or set script name in INI file:
You don't need to write any line of code!
Areas of use:
- Easy localization
- Adapting to different screen resolutions
- Uniform GUI
- Quick "on field" redesign without the need to rebuild the app
Additional features:
- Export listboxes to Excel/HTML/CSV/XML
- Capture any window contents
- Call MESSAGE()
- Custom window caption
- Toggle FullScreen mode
- C6 and higher, ABC/Legacy
- EasyXML
No black boxes, only pure Clarion code (class and template).
v1.xx - $80 v2.xx - $120
Standard School app with ScriptPlayer template. If you run school.exe without command line parameter and without [ScriptPlayer] section in INI file, the program behavior is not changed. If you run "school.exe ScriptPlayer=school.xml" (or provided school_test.cmd), you'll see the difference:
- All main menu items are "translated" (just UPPERCASEd for simplicity)
- All buttons are flat
- Main frame title text is changed
- Procedure BrowseStudents is called
- In BrowseStudents:
active TAB is changed to 2nd
"Close" button is bold
listbox is colorized
Export to Excel|Html|Xml|CSV allowed - On exit of application the MESSAGE("Bye-bye") is thrown.
- school.log file created.
- Pressing Ctrl-Shift-P captures active window and saves the image on disk.
You can use INI settings instead of command line parameter:
In xml scripts you can use almost all events and writeable window/control properties. It allowed to POST(Event:Accepted), POST(Event:Selected), set window/control properties, or evaluate expressions. Full list of available events, actions, and properties see in the \docs subfolder.
- See "docs\How-To.txt" to learn more about script syntax.
- Also see provided xml scripts, they contain the comments.
[email protected]
[email protected]
- NEW: FullScreen mode. You can define hot key to toggle the application between FullScreen and Windowed modes:
<procedure name="Main" fullscreenkey="F12"/>
School.exe supports F12 key to toggle FullScreen mode.
- CHG: APPNAME-CONTROLS.txt file now contains LIST and COMBO fields and field properties:
LIST ?Browse:1
Field #01 TEA:LastName
Header Last Name
Picture @S20
Format 80L(2)|M~Last Name~@S20@
Field #02 TEA:FirstName
Header First Name
Picture @S20
Format 80L(2)|M~First Name~@S20@
Field #03 MAJ:Description
Header Department
Picture @S20
Format 80L(2)|M~Department~@S20@
- FIX: command line corruption.
- FIX: Window{PROP:Pixels} was not restored.
- CHG: new procedure's attributes "starts-with" and "contains".
- CHG: height of custom caption can be specified.
- CHG: themed controls now can accept "disabled" values.
See release notes for details.
- FIX: possible program crash on window closing if custom caption used.
- NEW: "inactivetext" caption's section allows to define caption text properties when a window gets inactive.
See release notes for details.
- NEW: window themes. A theme is a combination of window/controls visual properties, like background, color, font style etc.
- NEW: custom window caption.
- NEW: window animations (at this moment enabled only when closing windows).
See release notes for details.
- NEW: inline function parameters.
- CHG: school.xml now includes the code to prevent program hanging caused by App frame menu activation.
See release notes for details.
- Property conditions added. For example, you can change pictures to @d10-b for all entries whose picture is @d1.
See release notes for details.
- Support for field="?" added (it assumes current field returning by FIELD() function)
See release notes for details.
- "Export" now supports Page loaded browse boxes.
- new action "CALL" allows to call Clarion functions (over 20 functions: Logic Control, Event/Window/Keyboard/Drag-and-Drop Processing, Operating System Procedures);
- discount period expired.
See release notes for details.
- new ACTION:Capture to capture active window;
- new "charset" attribute of properties (applied to "charset", "fontcharset" and "style:charset" properties).
See release notes for details.
- Bugfixes, improvements and new features.
See release notes for details.
- Localization has has never been easier! New attribute "language" (global or procedure level) defines "language" section where all texts are located.
- Pseudo-event "BeforeAcceptLoop" allows to set SYSTEM properties before ACCEPT loop (this is necessary for example to localize main frame menu: SYSTEM{PROP:CharSet}=CHARSET:CYRILLIC).
- PROPLIST:xxx allowed.
- PROPSTYLE:xxx allowed.
- For properties which expect COLOR value, now you can use "color" attribute.
- Properties which are arrays now can use "index" attribute.
See release notes for details.
- you can now set properties for "System" variable.
- events "AlertKey" and "PreAlertKey" can be limited by key pressed.
- new action "Export" allows to export LIST contents to Excel2007/Html/Xml/Csv formats.
- you can now specify "logfile" (on global or procedure level), to automatically log the program behaviour (procedure name, thread, event, field, keycode).
Events placed in log file are: EVENT:Accepted, EVENT:AlertKey, EVENT:CloseDown, EVENT:CloseWindow, EVENT:NewSelection, EVENT:OpenWindow.
See release notes for details.
- new ACTION:ChangeText - shortcut for SetProp(text) and allows to significally reduce amount of script lines.
- new "type" attribute for actions used to set properties of all controls with same type at once. See available types in docs\types.txt.
- new section applied to all procedures in an app.
- template now generates app-CONTROLS.txt file with type of controls.
See release notes for details.
Initial release