I wanted to sort Codewars katas (code problems) for people learning JavaScript so they can work their way up through a list sorted by my perceived difficulty level. The difficulty level of Codewars katas can vary too much for students. Especially since new students will have a hard time knowing if a problem is difficult or easy. (This list might work partially for other languages like C++/Ruby/Python/etc.)
To level up your skills, do these in order. There's references in each section for you to view. Or train up your Google skills! Avoid searching for the specific problem/solution. Because, more importantly than completing these, your goal is to understand them.
When you're done with a kata, try to explain your answer out-loud. Explain each line one-by-one. If you struggle to explain a line, that's a hint to keep training on that topic.
When you're done with the list, or feel like you have hit a wall, go back. Go to the beginning and re-do all the problems. Your goal will be to work on understanding the problems without having to use your references.
Jenny's Secret Message (Bug fix)
Messi Goals (Variables)
Messi Goals Function (Functions)
Combine Strings (Strings)
Debugging sayHello function (Strings)
Friendly reminder to read the solution out-loud
Are you Playing Banjo? (Strings)
Multiply (function / bug fix)
Opposite number (Math)
Basic variable assignment (Bug fix)
Check for Factor (Math)
Is n divisible by x and y? (Math, Conditionals)
- JavaScript Variables
- JavsScript Strings
- JavaScript Booleans
- JavaScript If Statements
- JavaScript Functions
Return the day (Conditionals)
Unfinished Loop (Bug fix, loops, arrays)
You Only Need One (Loops)
Vowel Count (Strings, loops)
Grasshopper - Summation (Loops)
Function syntax debugging (Functions, synax)
Will there be enough space? (Math)
Friendly reminder to try be able to explain each line of your code
If you can't sleep, just count sheep!! (Loops, string concatenation)
Grasshopper - Debug celsius converter (Bug fix, math)
Difference of Volumes of Cuboids (Arrays, math)
Number toString (Bug fix)
Get Planet Name by id (Bug fix)
Reversed String (String manipulation) (Try this with a loop instead of any methods)
Grade Book (Functions, conditionals)
Is this my tail? (Bug fix)
Mulitiplication Table (Loops)
Sum of Positive (Arrays, Loops)
Student's Final Grade (Comparison)
Can you explain the answer to that last problem?
Find the numbers which are divisible by given number (arrays, math)
Remove First and Last Character (Sub-string)
Abbreviate a Two Word Name (String manipulation)
Multiply the number (Math)
Closest Elevator (Math)
Array plus array (Arrays, loops)
Squash the bugs (Bug fix)
Is it a Palindrome? (Strings, loops?)
Swap Values (Bug fix) (Hint: How would you write this from scratch?)
What is an array?
DNA to RNA Conversion (String manipulation)
Keep Hydrated! (Math)
Correct the mistakes of the character recognition software (String manipulation)
Nice Array (Arrays, nested loops)
Object syntax debug (Objects, Syntax)
Let's Recycle! (Objects, Arrays, Loops)
Ironman Triathlon (Objects, Math, Logic)
JavaScript class-like objects (Classes)
Regular Ball Super Ball (Classes)
Finish the Number Game (Classes, throw error)
Two fighters, one winner. (Classes, loops)
A Function Within a Function (Advanced functions)
Easy mathematical callback (Callbacks)
Chain me (Callbacks)
Grouped by Commas (Math, String concatenation)
Adam & Eve (Classes, subclasses)