Tired of relying on word of mouth to discover the lunchtime hot spots around The Flatiron School, we built a platform to list recommendations and share reviews.
- React
- JavaScript
- Vanilla CSS
- Google Maps API
- Python
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy ORM
- SQLite DB
This is a project under development, but feel free to clone a copy and have a look around!
Note that you will need a Google Maps API key to run a local copy. This requires a Google Cloud account with payment information, but at the time of writing the included monthly account credit should cover development without accruing charges.
After securing the API key, create a file named .env
withing the client/
directory, and add your key as follows.
// /client/.env
VITE_API_KEY='your key here'
To set up the back end, first install the dependencies and activate the virtual environment in the server/
pipenv install
pipenv shell
Next, initialize the SQLite database using flask-sqlalchemy
flask db init
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
Finally, seed the newly created database with our test data:
python seed.py
Then start the API:
python app.py
The front-end setup is a bit more straightforward. In the client/
directory execute the following:
npm install
npm run dev
Open the site by following the URL in your terminal.