- Mental_Health_Tech_Survey.ipynb
The Mental_Health_Tech_Survey.ipynb notebook explores data from a survey of mental health in the tech workplace for the years 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. The dataset is sourced from Kaggle and provided by Open Source Mental Illness (OSMI). This survey measures attitudes towards mental health-related issues in the tech workplace.
- utils
utils contains
The module includes essential functions used in the project for working with SQLite databases. These functions are responsible for connecting to the database, retrieving primary and foreign keys, executing queries, and more.
generate_kaggle_credentials is a guide to set get the data within your workspace if you do not already have the KaggleAPI set up to work with your coding environment. - requirements.txt -- see this file for a complete list of requirements and versions that were used in my workspace at the time of this analysis.
- Understand the culture of the tech industry, particularly regarding mental health.
- Practice working with SQLite databases.
- Perform exploratory data analysis (EDA).
- Visualize data to gain insights.
- Enhance skills in reading data, performing queries, and filtering data using SQL and Pandas.
- SQLite: To work with the database.
- Matplotlib: For data visualization.
- NumPy and Pandas: For data manipulation.
- Seaborn: For enhanced data visualization.
- SciPy: For statistical analysis.
Getting Started:
Clone the repository
Create a virtual environment using the requirements.txt file provided
python3 -m venv tech_mental_health/
# activate the venv and install all requirements provided
source tech_mental_health/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Open the Jupyter notebook file, Mental_Health_Tech_Survey.ipynb, in your Jupyter environment and step through to see analysis.
Open and run the Mental_Health_Tech_Survey.ipynb notebook.
Ensure that mental_health.sqlite is in the notebook-created "data" directory and are in the utils directory.