Thimbleberry utilities offer support for writing WebGPU applications and WGSL shaders for the browser.
Note that the Thimbleberry utility modules are generally independent of each other, so feel free to pick and choose. Unused utilities will be automatically removed during application bundling.
- Debug Logging / Testing
- GPU Performance Reports
- Shader Components
- Resource Management
- Caching Compiled Shaders
- WGSL templates
- Reactively
- Cypress Component Tests
Handy utilities for debugging and testing:
- console.log a GPUBufferprintTexture()
- console.log a GPUTexturewithBufferCopy()
- copy a GPUBuffer to the cpu for analysis / test validationwithTextureCopy()
- copy a GPUTexture to the cpu for analysis / test validation
I've found it useful to iteratively develop shaders by running small examples and logging or analyzing the results on the CPU. Those small examples then turn into component integration tests to maintain the shader.
During development, I habitually attach a small 'debug' buffer to each shader
to record a few values from within the wgsl, and then log them with printBuffer()
Thimbleberry includes a high level api for benchmarking shaders and reporting results. The default results look like this:
benchmark, name, start, duration, runId, utc
reduce_simple, reduce 32768, 0.00, 0.21, 91, 1699900977585
reduce_simple, reduce 128, 0.23, 0.01, 91, 1699900977585
reduce_simple, reduce 1, 0.25, 0.01, 91, 1699900977585
reduce_simple, --> gpu total, 11.23, 0.26, 91, 1699900977585
benchmark, avg time / run (ms), median gpu time (ms), src GB/sec, src bytes, utc
reduce_simple, 0.32, 0.26, 98.58, 33554432, 1699900977585
The tabular csv format is designed to be readable in the debug console and also easy to import into external tools. Here's an example displaying the benchmarks of some stoneberry shaders:
Here's an interactive dashboard where you can select the benchmark and shader to visualize.
Add a timing trigger to your shader by adding
to your shader's beginComputePass or beginRenderPass. You can leave this code in your production shader if you'd like, it's a no-op if timing is not enabled.// if gpu timing is enabled, time this render pass const timestampWrites = gpuTiming?.timestampWrites("myShader"); const passEncoder = commandEncoder.beginRenderPass({ label: "myShader", timestampWrites, });
Write a function that will create an instance of your shader with benchmark data. The benchmark function takes a
as a parameter, and returns the size of the benchmark data and a function with the signaturecommands(gpuCommandEncoder)
that the benchmark runner will call to run your shader.function myShaderBench(device: GPUDevice): ShaderAndSize { const shader = { commands: (encoder: GPUCommandEncoder) => {} }; return { shader, srcSize: 2 ** 20 }; }
Pass your shader benchmark function to
from a tiny browser test app.async function main(): Promise<void> { await benchRunner([{ makeShader: myShaderBench }]); }
See stoneberry-bench or alpenbench
for open source benchmarking examples using benchRunner
Note that you need to launch the browser with a flag to capture GPU performance metrics.
In Chromium based browsers, use the command line flag:
to enable gpu timing.
And to increase reporting accuracy, also pass the flag: --disable-dawn-features=timestamp_quantization
Configuration options to control the number of runs and warmups,
numerical precision of output reporting, etc. are optional arguments to the benchRunner
See ControlParams
for current options.
You can also set options dynamically via url parameters:
The benchRunner
will echo its csv output to a webSocket port
if the url parameter reportPort
is set.
A websocket listener can then record the results to a file for further
processing, or to track performance differences over time.
See stoneberry-bench for an example of pnpm bench
and pnpm bench:dev
that set up a websocket listener.
You can use a lower level api for integrating gpu timing and reporting
into applications without using the benchRunner
Request the feature
when you callrequestDevice
for yourGPUDevice
. -
- enables the timing api. After initialization, access to the api is available through the globalgpuTiming
. -
- returns a partial descriptor for beginRenderPass or beginComputePass that will record timing for the render or compute pass. -
to fetch and convert the timing samples from the gpu. -
to log gpu timing results to the debug console in tabular csv format.
For grouping timestamp records (e.g. to capture timing of multiple shaders in a frame), use:
- create a multi-span covering the time from the first underlying span to the last underlying span. Note that the group time is not the sum of the underlying span times (in the likely case that the GPU execution has gaps or overlaps when executing the underlying shaders).
The ShaderComponent
is a start towards making shaders more modular: ShaderComponent.
Simply implement the commands()
function and then multiple shaders can be dispatched together in a ShaderGroup
A simple text substitution macro facility is a typical way of adding some
richness to low level languages, and it's a useful way to extend WGSL.
If two shaders differ only because one binds a texture_2d
and the other binds
a texture_external
, a text substitution template can capture the small difference
without making the programmer rewrite the entire shader.
There are many javascript/typescript string templating systems, but they conflict with syntax aware editing for WGSL. And there is already at least one promising WGSL editor for vscode: wgsl-analzyer. It offers type hints, formatting, typechecking, etc.
Thimbleberry offers a simple templating system that's designed to fit inside WGSL comments so that WGSL syntax editors can parse the code without tripping over a template syntax. The idea is to write one version of the WGSL code normally and then to add specially formatted comments to describe template substitution patterns. Here's how it looks:
@group(0) @binding(1) var srcTexture: texture_2d<f32>; //! texture_2d<f32>=srcTextureType
The template rules are expressed as comments with the //!
In this case, the system will replace the src text "texture_2d"
with the contents of the srcTextureType template variable.
See applyTemplate()
for details of the template syntax.
For a more involved use of templates, see for example ReduceBuffer.wgsl
and BinOpTemplate.ts
in stoneberry,
which use templates to make a generic reduction shader that can support
arbitrary binary operations (min, max, sum).
WebGPU resources like textures and buffers are expensive, and garbage collection is uncertain. To free GPU resources more directly, Thimbleberry offers utilities for reference counting destroyable resources.
basic usage tracking
when a resource is in usetrackRelease()
when a resource is not used (it's destroyed when all users call release())
grouping tracked resources
to identify a group of resources.finish()
to release an entire group of resources
scoped usage tracking
to temporarily use a resource with a functionwithAsyncUsage()
to temporarily use a resource with an async function
reactive usage tracking
for reactively users, automatically track and release resources (e.g. if a buffer is rebuilt, release the old buffer and track the new one)
for tests to validate usage tracking
Shader compilation is notably CPU expensive, so caching is typically wise.
Thimbleberry provides a typical memoize API,
with a front end specialized for caching shader pipeline constructors.
It's called memoizeWithDevice()
and it's used for functions
that take a labeled GPUDevice.
The cache is globally persistent by default.
A cache version with weak references is also available:
pass weakMemoCache()
to the function returned from memoizeWithDevice()
Reactivity is a handy technique for making flexible WebGPU shaders. (See Reactivity for a detailed discussion.) If you'd like to try building your shaders in a reactive style using Reactively and decorate, there are a couple of useful utilities in Thimbleberry.
will help with resource cleanup by tracking destroyable objects like GPUBuffers. If the resource becomes unused because it was replaced dynamically, the old resource will be destroyed. -
will copy props style argument objects to Reactively decorated properties conveniently in one step, and will validate that all properties are assigned.
Thimbleberry's other utilities don't depend on reactivity.
Cypress component testing is a handy way to develop and maintain shaders in a test supported style. An example cypress configuration is in the Thimbleberry tree.
Thimbleberry includes some useful examples and utilities for Cypress tests.
- The debug functions like
are purpose built for debugging and testing. - Convenience routines in Thimbleberry
such as
are useful for setting up test scenarios. - Take note of the configuration in cypress.config.ts, e.g. for setting browser command line arguments.
For examples, take a look at or the other tests in component-test.
Shader development and debugging is more difficult than typical web programming. I've found it useful to develop shaders incrementally from small test examples. Once set up, component testing wtih Vite and Cypress is very handy. New tests are easy to add. Tests re-run automatically as you change a file. And best of all, the development test cycle time is essentially instantaneous.
Cypress is big and can be difficult to configure, but hopefully these examples will help you.