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Todo App

Hey there! 🙋‍♂️ Welcome to the Todo App project. This is a full-stack app where .NET is used for the backend and Angular for the frontend. Feel free to check it out and suggest improvements! 😄

What's This Project About? 🤔

Basically, this app lets you keep track of your to-do list. You can add tasks, remove them, and mark them as completed. Pretty simple, right? But I’ve tried to use modern tech stack to build it.

Tech I Used 💻

Here are the main technologies I worked with:

◉ SCSS for styles

◉ JavaScript/TypeScript for the frontend (Angular)

◉ C# for the backend (ASP.NET Core)

◉ HTML for structure

◉ .NET Core 8.0 for backend API

Code Breakdown 📂

Here’s how the project is organized:

Main Folders:

◉ .config: This folder has .NET configuration. There’s a file called dotnet-tools.json, which is used to manage tools like dotnet-ef (for migrations).

◉ Project1: This is the main part! It has the backend and frontend code. Inside, you’ll find:

◉ clientapp/: Frontend Angular code lives here.


◉ controllers/: This is where API requests are handled.

◉ migrations/: Entity Framework migrations for the database.

◉ models/: The C# models for database. 
configuration folder

◉ utilities/: Some helper functions.

◉ views/: Razor Views (the UI for backend rendering).

ViewModels Properties folder ◉ wwwroot/: Static files like CSS and images.

Files inside Project1:

◉ Project1.csproj: This is the C# project file that defines project properties and dependencies.

◉ WeatherForecast.cs: This is a sample file I added to test the API. It’s just returning some basic weather forecast data.

https://localhost:44465/weatherforecast get api { "date": "2024-11-07T20:13:25.0158859+05:30", "temperatureC": -4, "temperatureF": 25, "summary": "Scorching" },

◉ appsettings.Development.json & appsettings.json: These files are for storing application settings (like database connection strings). The development one is for when I run the app locally.

◉ libman.json: This is for managing front-end libraries. Basically, it’s used by the library manager to handle front-end libraries like jQuery, Bootstrap, etc.

◉ openapi.json: This is for API documentation. It’s like a guide to the APIs I built, so you can see all the routes and requests.


◉ TestProject1: This is where I’m trying out unit testing with NUnit. It has a basic test in unittest1.cs to check if stuff works.

◉ obj: A bunch of files here are automatically generated when the project builds. You can ignore most of this unless you’re really into build systems.

How to Run This Project 🚀

Want to run this on your own machine? Cool, here’s how:

What You’ll Need:

◉ .NET 8.0 SDK (You can download it here -

◉ Node.js (for the frontend part; grab it here -

◉ Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code (up to you)

Steps to make this work:

  1. Clone the repository:

     git clone
  2. Go to the project Folder:

     cd Todo-App
  3. Install frontend requirements(inside clientapp):

     cd clientapp
     npm install
  4. Run the backend part:

     dotnet run
  5. Now, run the frontend part:

     ng serve

You have reached the end, Open through your browser and check it out!

To run the tests i have written:

◉ Want to run the tests I wrote, you can go to the TestProject1 folder and use this command:

  •    dotnet test
  •    dotnet test TestProject1

This command will run the tests to show if it works or breaks

How You Can Contribute 🙏

I’d appreciate any feedback, suggestions, or contributions! If you want to help:

  1. Fork this project.
  2. Make changes in your forked repository.
  3. Open a pull request through my repository.


Thank you for exploring this project! This is just the beginning of great applications using .NET 8.0 and Node.js. If you're a beginner or someone experienced, this project aims to provide practical insights into building web APIs and connecting front-end and back-end techs.

Feel free to fork this repository, experiment with the code, and build upon it.

If you have any questions or need further help, feel free to reach out!


https://localhost:7054/api/todoItems get GET /api/todoitems Get all to-do items None Array of to-do items GET /api/todoitems/{id} Get an item by ID None To-do item POST /api/todoitems Add a new item To-do item To-do item { "name": "walkhjghj ", "isComplete": true } PUT /api/todoitems/{id} Update an existing item To-do item None { "id": 2, "name": "walkhjghj ", "isComplete": true } DELETE /api/todoitems/{id} Delete an item None None

https://localhost:7054/home FE of pie shop

whenever there is change in db delete .cs and .designer.cs file and create new migration Add-Migration MyMigration -context DataContextName add-migration Initial -context PieShopDbContext

dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef dotnet tool install --local dotnet-ef

update-database -context PieShopDbContext

Categories Pies Orders OrderDetails -> OrderLines

dotnet build will build using a solution file if one is present (the .sln file). dotnet run however requires a project file (.csproj). dotnet --version check .net sdk installed or not

https://localhost:7054/Order GET html

https://localhost:7054/Order/Details?orderId=1 GET html

dotnet new console -o app cd app code . # to open project in VSCode

dotnet build

Flow- create model data access controller-data api

it creates 2 APIs one Is to get all employees list and another one is to get details of particular employee. http://localhost:52334/api/employee http://localhost:52334/api/employee/2