CLI for running commands against AMQP transport in @microfleet/core services.
Usage: bin/ms-cli.js --q.offset=0 --q.limit=10 -r payments.transactions.common
--port, -p rabbitmq port [default: 5672]
--host, -h rabbitmq host [default: "localhost"]
--login, -l rabbitmq user [default: "guest"]
--password, -P rabbitmq password [default: "guest"]
--route, -r rabbitmq routing key [required]
--query, -q query object [default: {}]
--timeout, -t request timeout [default: 15000]
--config Path to JSON config file
--help Show help [boolean]
Assuming you are running node 8.x.x, where npx
is bundled you can do the following
to run commands against AMQP-enabled endpoints
$ docker exec -it <@microfleet/container-name> sh
$ npx @microfleet/cli -r pdf.render -q '{"meta":false,"context":{},"template":"sample"}'
Response will be printed to stdout/stderr based on success/failure of the request In the real-world you'd likely want to run some less complicated requests or prepare them elsewhere and just use this cli to issue requests so that they end up correctly serialized and response is then correctly deserialized and printed