- Xcode 9.3
A simple CRUD app that aims to create a clean and simple architecture with as little dependencies as possible. The demo app consumes a simple mock API. The goal of this app wasn't to create a super functional application that... does something 😅 Please note that the API always returns the same values: its responses are statically mocked.
The goal was to demonstrate a solution for:
- iOS App Architecture
- Observing
- App routing
- Easy app logic testing
- Dividing app into separate modules
- Simple API definition with Alamofire
- Simple error handling
- Dependency Injection
Code has been divided in separate targets which makes the app modular and cleanly draws a line between different domains of the app and their tests.
The architecture of my invention is a simple evolution of MVVM. Its goal was to separate business logic and presentation logic. It's similar to VIPER but simpler to set up.