🚧 NOTE :This project is under development 🚧
This repository contains few Geant4 models:
- ATLAS-simplified: A simplified version of ATLAS detector calorimeter.
To clone the examples from the repository just run:
git clone https://USERNAME:[email protected]/mpitt82/Geant4-models.git
The examples are build with CMake cross-platform, and compiled with GEANT4 instalation. To build a specific model, one need to setup corresponding ENV:
#if using CERN-VMFS (https://ep-dep-sft.web.cern.ch/project/cernvm-fs)
#source setupCVMFS.sh
now one can build the model:
mkdir -pv Geant4-models/EXAMPLE/build; cd Geant4-models/EXAMPLE/build
cmake ../ && make -j
A simplified version of the ATLAS detector calorimeter. This setup incorporates the concept of a sampling calorimeter. The detector granularity matches the ATLAS geometry at η=0 (barrel). The detector composited from 6 layers: 3 form the Electro-Magnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) and 3 forms the Hadronic Calorimeter (HCAL).