This project aims to create a backup system for emacs using both power of git to store changes and power of helm to fetch backups easily.
- Diff view to revert changes easily
- Open backup in buffer or replace current one through helm
- Exclude files/folders from backup
- Customize storage path
- git (>= 1.5) (binary)
- helm (emacs library)
- s (emacs library)
For emacs prior version 24.3 :
- cl-lib (emacs library)
You can use melpa:
M-x package-install RET helm-backup
or you can pull it from here and you have to add in your emacs config :
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/helm-backup-directory")
(require 'helm-backup)
If you want to store every change each time you save a file add :
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'helm-backup-versioning)
M-x customize-variable RET after-save-hook RET [INS] helm-backup-versioning
You can map helm-backup
command to key to retrieve easily backup as follow :
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c b") 'helm-backup)
After that, open a file, press C-c b
and a list of backup will be displayed if any, you can choose to see backup in new buffer (default) or override current buffer with backup.